Circulatory problems • Homeopathy helps with circulatory problems!

If the circulation weakens, the weather or everyday stress can bring us to our knees. In severe cases, a circulatory collapse (syncope) can occur and you pass out. Which homeopathic medicines help with circulatory problems.

Almost everyone knows the situation: blood pressure drops, you feel weak and dizzy. The result is dizziness, cold hands and feet, nausea and tremors, rapid heartbeat, weakness and sweating. Homeopathy can help with circulatory problems to stabilize the circulation.

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Homeopathic medicines for home medicine

What are circulatory problems?

Interlocking mechanisms such as narrowing of the arterial blood vessels, increasing heart rate and water excretion through the kidneys regulate blood pressure. Circulatory problems occur when the brain is not adequately supplied with oxygen-rich blood.

The brain is particularly sensitive to this when the blood pressure becomes too low. One speaks of a low blood pressure if the value falls below 110/70 mmHG in men and 100/60 mmHg in women. But serious illnesses can also cause circulatory problems.

If the blood pressure drops only briefly, the following occurs:

  • dizziness
  • Sweating
  • Tremble
  • nausea
  • Racing heart
  • Eye flicker
  • a headache
  • tinnitus
  • Blackening before the eyes
  • ice cold hands and feet
  • brief fainting (syncope)

If the blood pressure is permanently too low, the following symptoms can occur:

  • Difficulty concentrating
  • rapid fatigue
  • increased need for sleep
  • irritability
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lack of drive
  • depressed mood

When do you need to see a doctor if you have circulatory problems?

Circulatory weakness can be a serious medical condition that requires immediate medical attention. A doctor should always be called if the circulatory weakness occurs from full health, without a plausible reason being recognizable. Even if chronic diseases such as cardiovascular or lung diseases, high blood pressure, a tumor or diabetes mellitus are known, a doctor must be consulted for circulatory problems.

Treat circulatory problems homeopathically

Whenever low blood pressure is the reason for the circulatory problems, you can try to stimulate the circulatory system with homeopathy for circulatory problems. In mild cases, homeopathy can eliminate acute circulatory problems after just a few minutes and quickly get those affected back on their feet. In addition, measures such as lying down, raising your legs, adding liquid and, in an emergency, storing in a stable side position should be carried out.

The right time to take a homeopathic medicine for circulatory problems, for example globules for dizziness, depends on the situation. If the symptoms come slowly, the circulation can be stabilized homeopathically at the first signs.

For recurrent circulatory problems and symptoms that come from a chronically low blood pressure, therapy by a homeopath is useful in addition to acute self-treatment.

The homeopathic remedies are available as globules, drops or tablets. In addition to individual homeopathic remedies, there are homeopathic complex remedies that are offered to strengthen the circulation. They combine different individual remedies in different potencies. Both homeopathic single remedies and combination preparations can be used in addition to drug therapy.

Which homeopathic medicine helps with circulatory problems?

The individual remedies are selected based on the prevailing symptoms, so that the same homeopathic medicine does not help in every person and in every situation.

Homeopathic medicines can be used in acute cases as soon as the first symptoms of poor circulation appear or if there is a collapse. Success should come after a few minutes. Depending on the course, the funds can be taken repeatedly several times. It is best to choose a low potency such as D6, D12 or D30.

Which means are possible

  • Aconite: in case of sudden circulatory collapse, after a fright or a panic reaction. The affected person is very restless.
  • Arnica: in circulatory failure after overexertion or injury
  • Arsenicum album: Circulatory problems with fear, restlessness and exhaustion
  • Camphora: in collapse states with nausea, vomiting, pallor and blue lips. The pulse is fast but weak.
  • Carbo vegetabilis: Blood circulation is significantly slowed down, the skin and mucous membranes appear bluish, the person affected has cold sweat and a sunken, very pale or greenish face.
  • Causticum: The circulation does not get going during the day, you are tired, weak and sleepy.
  • China: Circulatory problems after loss of body fluids and special physical weakness.
  • Cocculus: Circulatory problems due to insufficient sleep with dizziness and lightheadedness. Circulatory problems when driving in a car, on a ship or in an airplane.
  • Gelsemium: Circulatory problems with mental stress and challenges (stage fright). Inward tremors with visual disturbances and weakness.
  • Haplopappus: Blood pressure is generally too low. Feeling dizzy and shimmering in front of the eyes after getting up or standing for a long time.
  • Nux moschata: If the fainting spells repeat themselves.
  • Nux vomica: When someone loses consciousness after a violent argument or when alcohol was involved. Circulatory problems or fainting due to strong smells.
  • Phosphorus: Sudden fainting in particularly sensitive, sensitive people. Triggered by exciting sensations and stimuli.
  • Pulsatilla: Fainting tendency in stuffy, overheated rooms and fainting after standing for a long time
  • Tabacum: Dizziness, nausea and tendency to faint as well as cold, sticky sweat.
  • Veratrum album: With dizziness with nausea and vomiting, sweating and blackening in front of the eyes. The blood pressure fluctuates, sometimes too high and sometimes too low, and the symptoms come very quickly.
  • Veratrum viride: very low blood pressure, great weakness and tendency to collapse

What can you do about circulatory problems yourself?

When you feel that the circulation is not up to date, simple things often help. As a preventative measure, it is important to drink enough. Mineral water, juice spritzers or tea are best suited as drinks. If a loss of fluid due to excessive sweating, vomiting or diarrhea is the reason for the circulatory problems, the drinking amount must be increased and the intake of sufficient minerals must be ensured.

If you suffer from low blood pressure and circulatory problems again and again, endurance sports such as walking, jogging or cycling are helpful to stabilize the circulatory system. Water applications such as alternating showers or treading water have also proven their worth and permanently boost the circulation.

Homeopathy: important medicines and their effects

Homeopathy: important medicines and their effects