City seeks solutions – wrangling over the bicycle ban in Lobau continues

One year after cyclists were banned from the popular green oasis, the city now promises solutions and also admits criticism

It has been almost a year since the city of Vienna imposed a comprehensive ban on cycling in the Lobau, which is enforced with sometimes hefty fines. The “Krone” newspaper was the first to report on it. It is still a controversial issue today. While conservationists welcome the bans as a necessary step to protect the area, cyclists and some residents criticize it as a restriction on their leisure options. There was a lot of excitement, especially because cycling on the paths was at least tolerated for decades, including in the Lower Lobau.While conservationists welcome the bans as a necessary step to protect the area, cyclists and some residents criticize it as a restriction on their leisure options. Since then, there has been a struggle for alternatives and solutions. But what happens next?Just in time for the start of summer, the city has now announced that it will improve and even expand the range of cycle paths in the local recreation area. New connections to the natural bathing areas and the snack bar at the Panozzalacke in the Upper Lobau are being prepared. The popular places can no longer be reached legally by bike. Good news: A new cycle path connection to the Mühlleiten district (Groß-Enzersdorf) is being planned on the renovated flood protection dam. This is currently being examined by the Gänserndorf district authority. Opponents see only a “placebo” effectWolfram Böhme, SPÖ mayor of Mühlleiten (Lower Austria), speaks of a placebo effect and a delaying tactic on the part of MA 49 (forestry and agricultural operations). He sees no improvement in the new measures and wants to remain persistent. In addition to the 15,000 signatures collected, the cycling lobby is also behind him. No special actions against cyclists were carried out in the Lobau, according to the Vienna police. However, in the course of routine patrol checks, isolated administrative charges may be filed. It is not possible to say how many administrative charges were issued because no specific statistics are kept on this, it continues. According to the municipal administration, there were a total of 13 administrative penalties issued for 2023. So far, there have been none for this year. MA 49 says that it will no longer carry out any special campaigns, but will instead focus on education. This is why the markings have also been improved. The criticism was correct, said forestry director Andreas Januskovecz to the “Krone”.
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