Claire Chazal: what education did she give to her son François Poivre d’Arvor?

At 26, François Poivre d’Arvor, the son of the former TF1 news star couple, PPDA-Claire Chazal, continues to write his story in the shadows, far from the accusations aimed at his father, and from the spotlight. programs presented by his mother. The journalist confides in the most normal education possible that she tried to give to her son.

Claire Chazal will not let go of PPDA. While the journalist is accused of sexual assault, the former presenter of the 20 hours of TF1 continues to dispute the alleged facts and remains presumed innocent. What Claire Chazal did not fail to recall during an interview with Current wife mid-January. “I am unfortunately surprised by the times in which we live, which consists of scatter namesand to throw them to popular condemnation and especially to condemn them definitively without even that justice has intervened », had lamented in the magazine the one who had a child, Francois Poivre d’Arvor. April 29, this son “who matters most”, has celebrated his 26 years. For the mother, Patrick Poivre d’Arvor is therefore above all the father of her son, the one who helped her to give him the best education..

“I find it difficult to speak for him because that’s what he hates the most, but what I can say is that we tried with Patrick to protect him as best as possible by living in privacy quite normally since me (…), I always did things at home, I brought him to school and his father too ”she explained in Can’t wait for Sunday on October 20, 2019 on France 2, long before the revelation of the accusations which target the one with whom she formed a flagship couple, on which The world leaned again on January 21. The presenter of Passage of the arts told Michel Drucker that he had ” show a simple and normal life ». In 2014, she explained in the columns of Paris Match to have taught François “the desire to go to the end of things, respect for the truth and the refusal of lies”. “The essence of François’ education can be summed up in two words, to be happy. That he cultivates the taste of happiness and pleasure is very important”she summed up at the time.

> Discover the photos of the children of stars who prefer the shadow to the light

© AGENCY / BESTIMAGEFrançois Poivre d’Arvor and his mother Claire Chazal on January 9, 2012

A worried but lucky mother

“I am a very attentive mother and I would do anything to help him »affirmed the presenter of the large chessboard. Like any mother, she is full of praise for her son. “François is of extraordinary strength, far superior to mine, he is much smarter than me and has many more abilities”, she launched filled with maternal love in the magazine. However, everything has not always been easy, and doubts have often taken hold of the journalist. ” It’s always difficult. We are worried all the time. We wonder if we will know how to go about it. (…) At one point in my life, I consulted a shrink,” had recognized Claire Chazal in an interview granted in 2013 to Tele-Leisure. Fortunately, her son was not a complicated boy. “With François, I was a lucky mother”, she had rejoiced before congratulating her dad.

Claire Chazal and her son François on February 17, 2015
© CYRIL MOREAU / BESTIMAGEClaire Chazal and her son François on February 17, 2015

François makes a first name discreetly

“With Patrick, we managed to give him images of father and mother, positive I hopein any case attentive and loving”, she congratulated herself. It was not until 2005 that Patrick Poivre d’Arvor, in his book confessions, had publicly admitted to being the father of François, when he was 10 years old. Regardless, according to Claire Claire Chazal, that wouldn’t have stopped him from being a good dad. And anyway, according to his mother, he prefers shade to light. François does not seek notoriety. It is also for this reason that it is gone abroad, to be judged by who he really is, not by his name. And I understand it well”explained the journalist to Paris Match in 2018.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias


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