Claranova announces the reimbursement of the Euro PP of almost 20 million euros

(AOF) – Claranova continues its debt reduction, allowing the technology group to gain 1.35% to 2.25 euros. The owner of PlanetArt reimbursed the holders of the Euro PP bond for a total amount of 19.7 million euros. As previously announced, this reimbursement was made from the group’s own funds, which is continuing to strengthen its financial structure and improve its operational flexibility.

At the end of the current financial year, which will close on June 30, 2024, Claranova will have repaid more than 55 million euros of its debt (excluding interest) from its own funds.

These various repayments include the 29 million euros of Ornane bonds, 19.7 million euros under the Euro PP as well as the amortization of other existing loans for 7 million euros. The group also refinanced its Oceane debt over the same period, the maturity of which was extended by 4 years.

These operations make it possible to (…) reduce “the associated financial charges, and to bring its financial ratio (net debt to normalized current operating income) towards 3”, underlined Claranova.

“With a reconfigured and reduced debt structure, we will be able to invest more in our activities, with the priority areas of improving our profitability and creating value for our shareholders,” declared Eric Gareau, CEO of Claranova.

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