Clasquin under the control of MSC


(AOF) – The European Commission has approved, under the European Merger Regulation, the acquisition of exclusive control of Clasquin SA by SAS Shipping Agencies Services Sàrl, a subsidiary of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company SA. It is recalled that the regulatory authorizations for the control of concentrations in the other jurisdictions concerned had previously been lifted, as well as the authorization for the control of foreign investments in France.

The transfer by Yves Revol and Olymp of 42.06% of the share capital of Clasquin, at a price of 142.03 euros per share, to SAS, should take place on October 9, 2024 according to the terms and conditions of the share transfer contract.

Please note that SAS will file with the Financial Markets Authority (AMF), following the completion of the sale, a proposed public purchase offer relating to the balance of Clasquin shares, at the same price of 142 .03 euros per share.

This draft Offer will be submitted for approval to the AMF. If the regulatory conditions are met at the end of the offer, SAS intends to implement a squeeze-out procedure on the Clasquin shares in circulation under the same financial conditions as the offer, with a view to withdrawing the company of the coast.

SAS should submit its draft offer to the AMF on October 15, 2024 at the earliest.

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