Clea-Lacy Juhn: Lonely in the hospital! “I cry a lot”

Clea-Lacy Juhn
Lonely in the hospital! “I cry a lot”

Clea-Lacy Juhn


Pregnant Clea-Lacy Juhn has been ordered to stay in bed and is currently being observed in hospital for an indefinite period of time. In a question and answer session, the former “Bachelor” winner now makes it clear how much this situation is putting a strain on her mental life.

“I feel very lonely! It is getting worse and worse,” says Clea-Lacy Juhn, 33, said in her Instagram story on June 26, 2024. The pregnant influencer has been in the hospital for around four weeks now, and her unborn twins have been diagnosed with fetofetal transfusion syndrome, or FFTS for short. Clea-Lacy was at least able to give an optimistic update on her boys a few days ago, but the expectant mother is still not always doing well.

Clea-Lacy Juhn “has the feeling that she is being forgotten by the outside world”

The 33-year-old gives a serious insight into her everyday life: “You have to imagine that I have been lying in bed for 4.5 weeks with fears and worries and am dependent on visitors (3-4 weeks) to have some distraction [sic].” But even the support and visits of her loved ones sometimes cannot get Clea-Lacy out of her negative thought spirals. “You have the feeling that you are forgotten by the outside world. In the way of ‘she’s just lying around anyway, what can you do about it’ [sic]”, she admits.

Even worse, however, are the days when she doesn’t receive any visitors: “The days when you lie here alone are terrible. I cry a lot and think I can’t cope anymore. But you keep going and going [sic].” It is certainly the thought of her unborn twins that always gives Clea-Lacy a spark of strength and hope. Every day that her boys can continue to grow in her belly is a win for the future mother.

Clea-Lacy Juhn shares her concerns in her Instagram story.

On Instagram, Clea-Lacy Juhn is brutally honest: “I feel very lonely!”


“You notice: who wants to be there for you or who is slipping under the radar”

“Of course, there are also physical symptoms, such as back pain, weakness in all parts of the body and a heavy stomach. Not to forget, you are pregnant and your hormones are completely different anyway,” Juhn reminds her followers. But not only she herself, her environment also seems to be affected by her challenging Pregnancy has changed: “You quickly notice who wants to be there for you (that doesn’t always have to be in the form of a visit) or who you quickly slip under [das] radar [sic]”, she warns. Which people does Clea-Lacy want to address with this? That remains her secret.

The pregnant woman ends her two-page statement with the request: “Do it better.”


It is a final appeal with which she addresses her fans: “Do better and be there for your loved ones! This does not only affect pregnant women who are in this situation, but all people who are in the hospital for a longer period of time.”

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