Clean up your soul: You can clean up these 6 habits with confidence

6 habits you can confidently muck out

© Iuliia Pilipeichenko / Shutterstock

What applies to our wardrobe also applies to our soul: if we don’t regularly clear the ship, a lot of rubbish accumulates. To name just six examples …

Many people started the big mucking out in the corona crisis. Closets, drawers and even entire rooms – finally clear away all the chaos that has accumulated over the years of constant activity.

Similar to filling up cupboards and drawers over time, our psyche can also get into a mess if we don’t go inside and tidy up every now and then (after all, it is not for nothing that they say the apartment is a reflection of the soul … ). Sometimes unprocessed feelings accumulate there, sometimes habits that may have been useful or obvious in a certain phase, but tend to harm us in the long term and alienate us from ourselves.

That is why we advocate it: At the latest when the cupboards are clean, it’s time for the soul! And regardless of whether we are sitting at home because of a pandemic or not – because we can tidy up the soul anytime and anywhere. What habits should we definitely free them from? We have six suggestions …

Tidying up your soul: 6 habits that you can confidently sort out

1. Postpone things until later

Regardless of whether it is about something that you feel like doing or something that burdens you: Don’t wait until it “fits”, but make sure that you can do it as quickly as possible – from way too many ” At some point “there will be a” never “…

2. Fighting (against yourself)

Defeat your weaker self, discipline yourself, pull yourself together, be strong – why are we always in combat mode? We spend so much time competing with others or fighting against ourselves that the joie de vivre and joy are often pushed into the background. It should be the other way around.

3. Want to control everything

The more we can control, the more secure we feel. We associate control with power, strength, independence and freedom. Small problem: the truth is that we all have very little control. Our health, relationships, economic situation – all of this is only in our hands to a limited extent and can theoretically be completely beyond our control at any time. We are dependent on our fellow human beings, the system in which we live, fate and we have to constantly make decisions without knowing all the parameters. But first of all this is completely okay and secondly it does not mean that we are not free – with the right attitude, the knowledge that we cannot (and must!) Not control everything can even relieve us. And we can guarantee that we can control our attitudes.

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4. Always work

We tend to always want to function, continue and move forward, no matter what crisis we are in. But why actually? Are we humans or machines? Later, we remember the moments when we felt something – not when we were functioning.

5. Feeling guilty when you are doing “undeservedly” well

Newsflash: You don’t always have to earn everything. Neither the piece of cheesecake for dessert nor the fact that you are fine. Life is a gift that nobody deserves who gets it. Some get a luxury version, others a version with stumbling blocks and challenges. Whether you find it fair or not, the fact that those with the luxury variant feel guilty doesn’t make the obstacle course any easier for the others.

6. Divide the world into good and bad

Body shapes, lifestyles, opinions – we tend to judge everything and place it somewhere on a scale between good and bad. That’s why we often compare ourselves to other people to find out where we stand and what we can do to “improve” ourselves. But as much as we like to simplify things: the truth is that the world is far too complex to be represented on a scale. People are incomparable, every opinion has a background and lifestyles have to be different – and “good” and “bad” are arbitrary categories strongly influenced by society. Instead of judging and classifying, we can rather try to perceive the world in our own way. But as the psychologist Carl Gustav Jung said: “Thinking is difficult, that’s why most people judge.”
