Cleaning a wooden terrace: our grandmother’s tips to get rid of green moss and marks: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Sensitive to detergent, wood must be maintained as regularly as it is scrupulously. Although not all woods are as fragile (composite is easier to maintain than natural wood for example, varnished ones are more protected) natural products are highly recommended by professionals. Also, when you have a wooden terrace, grandmother’s tips are a good reflex to adopt. Effective and inexpensive, they use everyday products that are natural and respectful of wood.

How to clean an outdoor terrace without damaging the wood?

Wood is a material that can become fragile depending on the maintenance given. It is strongly recommended to be careful about the type of products used: prohibit corrosives (Bleach for example because the acidity irreversibly stains the wood) and favor neutral products like black soap, degreasing and respectful of wood.

Equipment side, the basics needed are: a broom, a bucket and a sponge. You may already have them at home, just like the products elsewhere.

How often should cleaning be carried out?

The slats of a wooden terrace must be cleaned regularly to ensure their preservation over time but not too often so as not to damage it. Professionals recommend once every two monthsor even less depending on the season.

The essential spring cleaning should not be neglected. This allows it to be restored after having suffered cold, rain, dirt and possibly frost and snow, sometimes over the long term. So many elements which penetrate and become embedded in the wood and which must be removed.

How to clean your terrace after winter with black soap and without karcher?

After winter, it is the ideal time to clean a wooden terrace. If the terrace is not very dirty, a good washing may be enough. How to do ?

  • Beforehand, take care to sweep the terrace to rid it of dirt and debris.
  • Fill a bucket with lukewarm water
  • Add black salon at the ratio (2 tablespoons for approximately 5 liters of water), dishwashing liquid or both
  • Pour the soapy water onto the wooden slats
  • Wash by brushing with a push broom
  • Leave it on for a few minutes
  • Rinse with plenty of water

Please note: in addition to washing, it is strongly recommended to treat the wood once dry.

Cleaning dirty terraces: how to remove black, moss and grease with natural products?

To clean a really dirty terrace or one requiring specific cleaning, many techniques exist using different products depending on what you want to remove.

Eliminate Green Moss with Baking Soda

To prevent green moss from becoming encrusted, do not use an anti-moss product, even specific to wood. Better to choose a homemade mixture based on baking soda.

  • In 5 liters of lukewarm water, mix 60 cl of citric acid, 3 tablespoons of baking soda and a little cooking oil (any)
  • Pour the mixture onto the wood and scrub with a broom.
  • Leave to dry for a few days and sweep again to remove everything.

Remove traces (black, white) using white vinegar

Against black marks, limescale, bird droppings, white vinegar is effective. Apply directly to the stain and leave to act for 1 hour before rubbing and rinsing.

Get rid of fat with Sommières soil

Against traces of fat (fried food, oil, sunscreen), Sommières earth is particularly effective. Apply directly to stains and leave to act before sweeping away the excess.

How to eliminate weeds?

To easily remove weeds between wooden slats, use cooking water of your starchy foods (potatoes, rice, pasta). Pour it directly hot onto the wood. It will burn the visible part and the roots, thus preventing regrowth.

Another tip: basil essential oil. Effective against lichen, 4 drops diluted in 1 liter of hot soapy water placed on the terrace are enough to weed effortlessly.

Eliminate mold with percarbonate of soda

Moisture usually causes mold, especially outdoors. It’s best to treat it quickly to prevent it from spreading. A mixture of percarbonate of soda and lukewarm water to spread on the wood and rub with a broom before leaving to act and rinsing can be enough to get rid of it?

How to remove wine?

Even if it is to be consumed in moderation, it happens that evenings washed down with wine spill over onto the terrace. One wrong move and the glass is spilled on the floor. To clean the mark, use an abrasive sponge, baking soda and white vinegar. Rub with the vinegar and then apply the bicarbonate and leave to act for a few minutes. Then, rinse with clean water and admire the result.

Maintain, wash and remove moss: how to go about it with a high pressure cleaner (Karcher)?

To maintain, wash and remove green moss from a wooden terrace with a Karcher type high pressure cleaner, you don’t do it like you do with a concrete slab or tiles. On the one hand, certain types of wood do not like this solution at all. In general, it is therefore better to avoid using Karcher type devices on these surfaces.

If, however, you opt for this option, certain precautions must be taken, in particular to avoid damaging or tarnishing the blades. Here they are :

  • Use a medium power flat jet (less than 100 bars)
  • Keep at least 30 cm distance between the nozzle and the wooden blades
  • Let the water squirt along the length of the blades
  • Rinse with a weak jet to finish scrubbing

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