Clear words to Moscow: Zelenskyj: “Put them in the face”

Clear words to Moscow
Zelenskyj: “Put them in the face”

Exactly six months after the outbreak of war, Ukraine is celebrating its Independence Day. Based on the date, President Zelenskyj warns the population of Russian rocket attacks. He sends a clear message to Moscow – and does not shy away from using strong language.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has described his country’s defensive struggle against Russian aggression in very undiplomatic terms. With its attacks and acts of violence, Russia is showing that it does not want to negotiate, Selenskyj told journalists in Kyiv on Tuesday at the conclusion of the so-called Crimea Platform. And Ukraine is trying in vain to make it clear to the world that Russia is not thinking about dialogue.

“They have decided to occupy our country,” he said in Russian. “When they made that decision in 2014, the world didn’t just punch them in the face, and so they went on and on and on. But we’re punching them in the face.”

Later that evening, in his video address, Zelenskyy thanked for the international support Ukraine had received at the forum to repatriate Crimea, annexed by Russia in 2014. “Crimea is an indispensable part of our state,” he said. Ukraine will liberate the Black Sea Peninsula and give its compatriots the freedom they deserve.

Beware of attacks on the holiday

On Ukraine’s Independence Day, which is taking place today, the President called on citizens to exercise great caution because of fears of Russian attacks. The army and all government agencies tried to protect the population as much as possible. “Please stick to the curfew. Heed the signals for the air raid!” Zelenskyy asked.

The Ukrainian concern about increased Russian attacks on the occasion of the symbolically important holiday is shared internationally. The United States warned Russia against attacks against civilian targets. “In conclusion, I would like to remind my Russian colleagues that as Ukraine’s Independence Day approaches, the world is watching,” US Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations Richard Mills told the Security Council.

“It shouldn’t need to be said, but please don’t bomb schools, hospitals, orphanages or homes.” The US would continue to pursue all violations of international law. The US government had previously asked its citizens to leave Ukraine immediately. Further armament commitments from the West are expected in Kyiv on Independence Day.

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