Clone dog: "we would do it again and again"

It's up to you how you spend your own money, says Simone J. – and had her dog cloned in South Korea.

Taboos have been with us for millennia. But how does it feel to be taboo? In a mini-series, we tell the stories of people who do just that. Background and information on this topic can be found in the interview with taboo expert Dr. Sabine Krajewski.

"Yes, we would do it again." – I don't know how many times I've said this sentence. I only know that I never expected all the reactions, positive and negative. Maybe my husband and I were a little too naive. It just overwhelmed us. The death of our beloved dog Marlon in February 2018 came completely unexpectedly. He was only four years old when the doctor for the castration surgery injected him with an excessive dose of the anesthetic and Marlon then did not wake up. We were in shock. The night after, I started researching the Internet, because I had once read that Barbra Streisand had her deceased dog cloned. I came across a clinic in South Korea where more than 1000 dogs had already been cloned.

It not only looks almost like Marlon one, but also resembles it in essence.

My husband was against it at first, but I wanted Marlon back. The cost, around 100,000 euros, did not deter me. I work for my money and can therefore decide for myself what I spend it on, right? So we flew to South Korea four days later to hand over tissue samples from Marlon's body in the clinic. Our today's Marlon was born in September 2018. It not only looks almost like Marlon one, but also resembles it in essence. My husband says, "It's like reading a book halfway, then putting it aside for a year, and opening it up goes back to the exact same chapter."

We are so happy that is why we are not bothered by the hostility that we have of course heard. If we had bought a sports car for the money or I bought expensive jewelry, no one would tear our mouths apart. But it’s always like this: If something is new and it is particularly about ethical aspects, there is controversy. Take artificial insemination. It was a scandal 50 years ago, today it is paid by the health insurance company. Cloned dogs are also no longer unusual in other countries such as America or Russia, and I can well imagine that it will be similar in Germany in 20 years. We may have been the first, but we won't be the last.

Simone J. lives in Dresden with man and dog. She runs the website

You can find further background and information in the interview with taboo expert Dr. Sabine Krajewski.

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