Club continues to play: Makkabi Berlin “doesn’t want to let it get them down”

The club continues to play
Makkabi Berlin doesn’t want to let itself be defeated

The capital city branch denies: Makkabi Berlin is not stopping gaming operations. And even if the current situation is not normal: “We already feel safe in Germany,” they say. The next football game is already on Sunday.

Contrary to the information given by the head of Makkabi Germany, Makkabi Berlin continues to train and play and also wants to play its game in the Berlin State Cup next weekend. The club assured this in a press release. “All of our men’s teams intend to play in their respective games at the weekend,” the club’s board said in a statement from the Berlin Football Association.

“We are in constant communication with the responsible security authorities and the BFV [Berliner Fußball-Verband, Anm.d.Red.] and trust in the precautions that are being taken for the upcoming encounters,” it continued. This means that TuS Makkabi Berlin’s game in the state cup planned for this Sunday at FSV Berolina Stralau should also take place. Training and playing will take place under increased security precautions, it said According to the club, the increased protective measures were taken at the initiative of the club management in close coordination with the Berlin Senate.

Also in the “Märkischen Allgemeine Zeitung” Makkabi Berlin sports director Michael Koblenz rejected the fact that gaming operations had been completely stopped. Of course, “the current situation is not normal. And we are in constant communication with the State Criminal Police Office and the police. Security precautions have been increased,” Koblenz is quoted as saying. Nevertheless, they trusted the police’s actions. “We already feel safe in Germany.”

“Deal with the current situation very sensitively”

The President of Makkabi Germany, Alon Meyer, said in an interview with the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” on Tuesday that everything had stopped in Berlin and “massive measures had been taken there.” Makkabi Berlin’s game in the Northeast Oberliga last Sunday at TSG Neustrelitz was canceled after the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel occurred on Saturday.

“We as a multicultural team, which also includes Muslims and Jews, absolutely want to keep playing and not let ourselves be defeated,” said the team council of the first men’s team in a statement from Makkabi Berlin on Thursday, representing the entire club: “This is the only way we can we set an example for tolerance and peaceful coexistence.”

The board had previously postponed the games scheduled for October 8, 2023 “with a heavy heart in order to protect all players, companions and spectators,” explained Makkabi Berlin. The decision was based on the initially confusing situation and security concerns raised by the Berlin sports club.

At Makkabi Berlin’s request, only the youth team games were canceled for the coming weekend, the BFV explained. “We are dealing with the current situation very sensitively and are in direct contact with TuS Makkabi Berlin, the respective opposing clubs and the security authorities,” assured Presidential Member of Match Operations, Joachim Gaertner.

FSV Berolina Stralau has also already shown solidarity with Makkabi Berlin. “At the weekend we would all have been looking forward to a carefree football game between our men and last year’s Berlin Cup winners and DFB Cup participants Makkabi Berlin,” it said on the homepage: “But this carefreeness will not happen. Not after the Islamist terror Hamas in Israel, which can also be felt here in Berlin.” And the club announced: “Let us remember the victims of terror together on the Sunday before the cup game.”

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