Clues requested – Fruit thief dug up 250 freshly planted apple trees

With great effort, a fruit farmer planted more than 700 apple trees, including the Granny Smith variety, in a vineyard in Großinzersdorf in the Gänserndorf district. Many of them were gone the next day. An unknown thief had dug them up in the night.

The winegrower and his wife, who run a fine farm sale in the village near Zistersdorf and are legendary for their juices and grape drops, had been toiling for days. On a particularly fertile vineyard, tree after tree was released, namely a wide variety of noble varieties such as Granny Smith, Gala, Pinova, Gala and Jona Prince.Winegrower family asks for information on the perpetratorsBut the hope of rich harvests in autumn was destroyed with targeted groundbreaking. Because – as has now become known – unknown thieves used the silence of the Easter night to plunder the plantation. Where only hours before tender plants had produced the first tender blossoms, only empty burrows could be seen. A total of 250 trunks were dug up in the truest sense of the word in a cloak-and-dagger operation. The Frohner family asks for information about the cheeky trespassers on their homepage.
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