CNP Assurances finalizes the 100% acquisition of Odonto

Photo credit © CNP Assurances

( — CNP Assurances announces the completion of the acquisition of the shares held by Caixa Seguridade in the company Odonto Empresas Convênios Dentários Ltda, “Odonto Empresa”, bringing its stake to 100%. Odonto Empresa markets its products to approximately 315,000 customers for an annual amount of collected volume of 60MBRL in 2021.

This transaction, for an amount of BRL 18,204,657, is part of a more global agreement, announced on September 14, 2022, allowing CNP Assurances to pursue its international development strategy with the acquisition of 100% of the Caixa Seguridade’s holdings in five companies offering the possibility of marketing health, dental care, savings and consórcio products (Holding Saúde, Previsul, Odonto Empresa, CNP Capitalização and CNP Consórcios).

The completion of the other acquisitions (Holding Saúde, Previsul and CNP Capitalização) remains subject to various conditions precedent, including in particular the approval of the competent Brazilian regulatory authorities.


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