CoD: Call of Duty 2022, Warzone 2… The future of the saga still seems to be on PlayStation, but for how long?

Game news CoD: Call of Duty 2022, Warzone 2… The future of the saga still seems to be on PlayStation, but for how long?

Last week, the video game industry was shaken by a bomb: Microsoft then announced that it had reached an agreement with Activision Blizzard to acquire them. If the deal is far from done, many questions have since emerged. And one of them concerns the Call of Duty saga.


  • Call of Duty: the next three on PS4 and PS5
  • A future that remains unclear

Call of Duty: the next three on PS4 and PS5

What future will Microsoft write in the coming months? No one knows, but the next eighteen months will be decisive and for good reason: this is the period during which the 68 billion takeover agreement between Microsoft and Activision Blizzard, formalized last week, is supposed to end. In the meantime, the future is written in ellipsis. If this agreement is recorded, will Microsoft make certain licenses exclusive to Xbox? A question often raised regarding Call of Duty, a franchise published by Activision.

But for now, it looks like the day after COD be all mapped out. According to Jason Schreier on Bloomberg, the next three Call of Duty should appear on Xbox but also PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5: According to four people familiar with the takeover, Activision Blizzard had already committed to releasing the next three iterations of the shooter on Sony consoles. The first, if rumors are to be believed, is a new installment of Modern Warfare and is expected this year while another project is reportedly underway at Treyarch studios. Warzone, the free and battle royale version of Call of Duty, would also be entitled to a sequel in the coming months.

A future that remains unclear

Also according to Schreier, people familiar with the matter indicate that the agreement between Sony and Activision Blizzard lasts another two years. A partnership that has borne fruit in recent years: if Call of Duty is also released on Xbox, it is on PlayStation that there are the most interesting offers. A lucrative association, which propelled two Call of Duty games to the podium of the best-selling games in the United States in 2021.

Two more years, almost the period necessary for Activision and Microsoft to conclude their agreement of 68 billion since it is supposed to be closed no later than June 30, 2022. Until then, the words of the future boss of Microsoft Gaming Phil Spencer (now CEO of Xbox) could change: last week, he assured that it was not his ambition to “separate communities from their support” and that Xbox remains committed to this path. However, we remember similar words during the takeover of Zenimax Media (Bethesda). If Deathloop was released exclusively for consoles on PlayStation, the opposite will happen for Redfall: Arkane Studio’s next game is expected for September 2022 on PC and Xbox only.

Source: Bloomberg

Through Charlanmhg, Writing


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