Coignard – LFI prefers Marine Le Pen!

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CHRONIC. A recent survey shows this very marked inclination, which Jean-Luc Mélenchon and his followers in no way seek to discourage…

By Sophie Coignard

Premium Subscriber-only audio playback

BOf course, the question does not really make sense since the President of the Republic will not be able to run again in 2027, but a poll again gives Marine Le Pen the winner against Emmanuel Macron, 47% against 42% of the vote, if we go back to the polls today. However, the most striking result of this survey, carried out by Ifop for Paris Match, concerns the preference expressed by the voters of the different tendencies of the political spectrum, and more especially of La France insoumise: 51% of the latter prefer Marine Le Pen to Emmanuel Macron, against only 36% who make the opposite choice. This is the largest gap between the two finalists of 2017 and 2022, if we except of course the sympathizers of the RN. At the PS or at the Greens, for example…

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