Colors to avoid in a baby’s room


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If you want your baby to be undisturbed in their sleep, there are certain colors that should be avoided.

In order to prepare for the arrival of your first baby, one of the essential moments is to take care of the decoration of your room. In addition to the cot, the changing table or the night light, the walls of the room must also be taken care of. And there is no question of showing bad taste. Indeed, certain colors will disturb the sleep of the young child, especially colors that are too bright. No question either of creating a gendered bedroom by favoring blue for a boy and pink for a girl. Let your child choose their preferences as they grow up.

The colors of a baby’s room should inspire softness and rest. Pastel shades are particularly popular thanks to their relaxing side, without obscuring the cheerfulness of their shades. Also use earthy colors like sand beige, terracotta or ocher yellow for a warm look. If you opt for a vintage style, you can also choose to bet on aged colors such as old rose or fir green.

Practicality at the center of the layout of the baby’s room

White is also ideal to accompany ocher or sand beige colours. Practicality must be at the heart of the layout of your baby’s room in any case. More than decoration, it is recommended to place the changing table near the bed to facilitate changing and limit movement. The nursing chair should be located close to the bed to feed your child during the night. The cot is to be positioned so that the baby has his head to the north. This will further ease his sleep.

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