columnist Julie Poirier has given birth (she is in a relationship with the son of a celebrity)

Happy events continue to appear on France 2’s Télématin show. And for good reason, columnist Julie Poirier announced that she had given birth to her first child. Little ray of sunshine who is none other than the child of the son of a French personality.

How can you not be happy and proud to announce the arrival of his child to the whole world ? This is what the journalist we love to see when we wake up in the morning on the show did Telematin on his Instagram account, this Tuesday June 18, 2024. In fact, Julie Poirier has just given birth to her first child. Moreover, the audience knew that she was waiting for this change in her life.

She announced it on April 1, 2024 with the pretty phrase “Today it’s life that wins”. A new little being who brought joy to future parents. But not only. It is also the family of Telematin which is growing and which will continue to welcoming little ones. Indeed, the co-host who is rare at the moment, Marie Portolano, will also become a mother. And as for the columnists, Johanna Ghiglia and Camille Dahan are also waiting the arrival of their child.

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Julie Poirier happy to announce the arrival of her child to her subscribers

Her pregnancy was not hidden at all. After announcing that she was expecting a little one at the beginning of April, it was this Tuesday, June 18, 2024 that she showed the whole world her baby. On Instagram, she posts a photo where we can discover a hand, with next to it, a wooden sign where it is engraved “Welcome to the world”. And for legend, we read these few words “And suddenly our hearts explode”. We can only imagine mother’s joy.

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The dad doesn’t hesitate to show his happiness on social networks either. He chooses to publish the same photo as his wife on his Instagram account with the caption “A little angel arrived this Monday in our life! Love is never divided, it multiplies!”. The couple is fulfilled and expresses it to the delight of their subscribers. Congratulations did not stop filling the comments under the post from Julie Poirier, but also from her husband. Besides, who is the dad of this newborn ?

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Julie Poirier married the son of this French celebrity

For ten years now, Julie Poirier has been in a relationship. And it was in Saint-Gervais-les-Bains, in 2015, that she unites for life with her man officially. The bride and groom do not hesitate to publish magnificent photos of their wedding to prove their love to the world. The one now who shares Julie Poirier’s life and is became the father of his first child is none other than Julien Holtz, the son of Gérard Holtz.

We all remember this very special voice of this journalist, commenting on sporting events. The happy mother had also explained to Tele-Leisure in 2022: “I didn’t realize he was Gérard Holtz’s son until I met his father”. We imagine that the grandfather is also filled with happiness with the arrival of his grandchild.

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