“Come back or quit”: Elon Musk no longer wants telework at Tesla

Elon Musk reminded his troops that teleworking was induced by an exceptional situation, that of the Covid-19 pandemic. He now believes that Tesla executives should spend the majority of their time on site.

With his multiple stunts in the takeover of Twitter, Elon Musk is at the center of attention in the tech world. To the point that every fact, gesture or word of the multi-billionaire is scrutinized and commented on. This time it’s an email apparently sent to Tesla executives, with the subject line “Remote work is no longer acceptable”which has people talking on the other side of the Atlantic.

The content of said email is as salty as the subject. “Everyone at Tesla is required to spend a minimum of 40 hours in the office per week.he wrote. If you do not show up, we will consider that you have resigned”. Asked on Twitter about the content of this email published on platforms like Reddit, Elon Musk did not deny its authenticity. On the contrary, the businessman added a ladle: “They should pretend to work somewhere else.” Not totally closed, the boss hinted that decisions could be made on a case-by-case basis.

But what are the reasons, other than the end of the Covid restrictions, which push the magnate to want his employees to return to the office? If there is no mention of a lack of efficiency in telework, the businessman dared to compare it with the workers in his factories, who have little choice but to work. in situ to assemble the brand’s vehicles.

“The older you are, the more your presence should be visible”

The example of the workers is evocative for Musk, his personal experience supporting his point, he who would have lived in the Tesla factory at its launch. “The older you are, the more your presence should be visible”he wrote before sprinkling the whole thing with a little ego. “That’s why I lived so long at the factory — so that those on the line could see me working alongside them. If I hadn’t done that, Tesla would have gone bankrupt a long time ago.”

Elon Musk also seems to be targeting certain abusive behaviors. “Also, the office must be a main Tesla office, not a remote branch unrelated to the duties of the position, such as being responsible for human relations at the Fremont plant, but having your office in another state”he writes very precisely.

Like all other companies, Tesla has allowed remote work for all roles where possible since the Covid-19 pandemic hit in 2020. Now that it is easing, these companies have reassessed their work policies from a distance. But Tesla and Musk’s position on the subject goes against the grain: the tech giants have generalized teleworking for the moment, and believe that distance does not hinder productivity.

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