Comedogenic? That’s behind the term!


Comedogenic – ever heard? The term meets us on cosmetics and care products. What does he mean?

Many have seen or read the term comedogenic. Have you ever wondered what it means? What exactly is behind it, we clarify here.

What does the term comedogenic mean?

Often we see the phrase “non-comedogenic” on our care products or cosmetics , but by no means at all. People with bad skin or acne may already be familiar with this term. Some ingredients are suspected of clogging pores and thus increasing acne – these are called comedogenic. Derived from the technical term Komedo (from Latin com-edere: eat, eat) for blackheads. These in turn are caused by clogged sebaceous glands, which can also inflame and cause pimples.

Non-comedogenic substances in cosmetics = pure skin?

If your cream is not comedogenic, it should not cause any impurities with its ingredients. But applying such a cream does not necessarily mean that your blemished skin or acne will improve or even disappear.

Comedogenic products and alternatives

If you are struggling with bad skin, you should keep your hands off coconut oil, which is considered to be comedogenic. Other vegetable oils such as palm oil, cocoa butter, peanut, evening primrose or olive oil are just as important as wool fat (lanolin). Prefer to use remedies such as healing earth, zinc or tea tree oil, which have an antibacterial or calming effect. Here you will find everything you need to know and tips on blemished skin , as well as home remedies for pimples . If you have problems with acne, you should first of all talk to your doctor.