Common cold • Recognize symptoms of the flu-like infection

Itchy throat, the nose closes – a cold is on the march. In addition to the symptoms of the respiratory tract, a flu-like infection causes a number of other typical symptoms, which can be of varying severity.

The weakest links in the immune system are the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and throat. If they are not intact, the cold viruses often have an easy time of it in autumn and winter: A flu-like infection is first noticeable there.

A cold, in contrast to a real flu (influenza), begins slowly. Usually the first defense reaction you feel is a scratchy or dry feeling in the throat Nose tickles and we have to sneeze. Freezing and shivering can be added when a cold starts.

Tips for a strong defense

At such an early stage, the impending cold can be stopped with targeted measures: Cold baths, a lot of sleep, vitamin C in high doses and herbal remedies can support the immune system to fight off the common cold.

Cold symptoms: cough, runny nose, sore throat

If that doesn't work, the signs quickly turn into the main symptoms of a cold. Especially the mucous membranes are acutely inflamed, which is in severe sore throat, excruciating cough and runny nose makes noticeable.

There are also a number of other symptoms that are typical of a cold. These do not always occur at the same time and also not to the same degree in every person. This includes:

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Recognizing symptoms of a cold in children

In babies and young children A cold first shows up as a general malaise: They can be particularly whimsy or sleepy, and infants may drink poorly because breathing through the nose is impeded. Children often get a fever when they have a cold, and some even get a toothache. If you have a fever, it is important that the children sweat. Here you can make sweaty teas Linden blossom or Elderflower help. If the temperature values ​​are already significantly increased or if they continue to rise, you should definitely consult a doctor.

With a severe cold, fever occurs in adults and is a healthy one Defense reaction of the body: He tries that Pathogen combat with heat and through sweat to separate outwards.

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Symptoms of the common cold improve after a few days

Anyone who cures a cold in peace and sleeps a lot will usually overcome it after a few days. However, if new symptoms appear in the course of the cold, such as painful cough, severe breathing difficulties, fever, earache or pressure-sensitive frontal and paranasal sinuses, you should see a doctor. These are no longer typical cold symptoms, but rather signs of the sequelae of a flu-like infection. Then bacteria may have "docked" with the common cold, causing sinus, middle ear infections, or acute bronchitis that require further treatment.

If symptoms such as fever, chills, muscle pain, sweats, general weakness, headache, sore throat and dry cough are particularly severe, you should consult a doctor. Then it could be a dangerous influenza, the real flu. You can read here how the two diseases differ.

The best home remedies for a cold

The best home remedies for a cold