Communication in parenting: 3 sentences that parents of emotionally strong children often say

Communication in education
Three sentences that parents of emotionally strong children often say

You can see in the video which three sentences create a solid foundation for your children’s self-perception.

Words have power, especially when your parents say them. They can not only influence our children’s self-image, but also lay the foundation for their future development. In the video you can see which sentences can give you more stability on an emotional level.

Parenting is a huge task: We have the privilege and at the same time the responsibility to shape our children, especially in their relationship with themselves. Not only our actions are important, but also the way we speak to them. The parental approach has far-reaching effects that go beyond the current dialogue and often shape the emotional development and self-image of our children for a lifetime.

Three sentences for constructive communication in education

In addition to the unconditional “I love you,” there are three specific phrases that emotionally strong children often hear from their parents. These formative words help to develop a positive inner voice that gives children support and self-confidence. You can see what sentences these are in our video.

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