Communication: We shouldn’t say this sentence to new parents

We shouldn’t say this sentence to new parents

Even the most benevolent suggestions can unsettle young parents, making their new role more difficult. In the video you will find out what you should definitely not say.

Even if the advice is well-intentioned, it can often have the exact opposite effect. You can find out in the video which sentence can cause stress and pressure for new parents.

In the first few days and weeks with a newborn, parents face a multitude of challenges and decisions. Some advice may be helpful, but some may not. Kind but ill-considered tips can cause a new parent to feel insecure and overwhelmed and can actually make their new role as a mother or father more difficult.

We mean it as a sincere note, but it often comes across completely differently

Instead of giving hasty tips and advice, it is much more important to listen sensitively and offer support that meets the individual needs of the new moms and dads. In the video you will find out which friendly recommendation you should keep to yourself.

Source used:

shö / lwa

source site-48