Communist Party adopts resolution on Xi Jinping’s power-consolidating party history

It is no surprise that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) adopted, Thursday, November 11, a text that further raised the stature of President Xi Jinping among the icons of the country. The Sixth Plenum of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China approved a resolution on “The great successes” of the movement founded in 1921. Dithyrambique, the text published by thenew China agency claims that the CCP, which has ruled the country with an iron fist for seventy-two years, wrote “The most magnificent epic in the history of the Chinese nation over millennia”.

In a country where history is traditionally used to legitimize power, Xi Jinping took advantage of this resolution to present himself as the undisputed heir to the regime. Since coming to power in 2012, “Chinese-style socialism has entered a new era”, according to an excerpt from the resolution released by the official press agency. The ” thought “ of the strongman of Beijing “Is the epitome of Chinese culture and soul”, continues the text. Xi Jinping’s presence at the ” heart “ of the ruling party “Is of decisive importance (…) to promote the historic process of the great renewal of the Chinese nation ”.

Xi Jinping is often referred to as the most powerful Chinese leader since the regime’s founder, Mao Zedong (1949-1976). Last July, in Mao costume, he solemnly celebrated the anniversary of the party’s founding in the huge Tiananmen Square in Beijing.

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Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and Xi Jinping

During its century of existence, the CCP has so far adopted only two resolutions on its history, each time before the opening of a new political page. The first, in 1945, had strengthened the authority of Mao Zedong four years before the Communists came to power. The second, in 1981, gave Deng Xiaoping, when he launched the economic reforms, the opportunity to turn the page on Maoism, by recognizing the “Errors” of the Grand Helmsman. By having a third text adopted, Xi Jinping is following in those steps of his two illustrious predecessors, in order to better open a new page in his name.

Since assuming the post of secretary general of the CPC in 2012, and then president of the People’s Republic the following year, he has continued to centralize power in his hands. In 2018, he had the Constitution amended to be able to remain at the head of the country beyond the limit of two terms. Her ” thought “ was also enshrined in the Basic Law, like that of Mao. Its rise has been accompanied by a turn of the screw towards any form of protest, whether in Hong Kong or in the Uyghur autonomous region of Xinjiang, which is predominantly Muslim. He is now crowned with the ” Victoire “ Chinese fight against the coronavirus, even if sporadic outbreaks are still manifesting in the country where the epidemic broke out at the end of 2019.

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Recomposition of power

The conclave probably gave rise to negotiations behind the scenes, one year before the start of a new management team at the next congress. There is little doubt that Xi Jinping will be reappointed in the fall of 2022 for a third term (unheard of since the end of the Mao era), even though he has just traditionally reached the age limit of 68. imposed on Chinese leaders. However, several of them are expected to retire, including Prime Minister Li Keqiang.

The standing committee of the party’s political bureau could, at the five-year congress next year, increase from seven to five members, “Which would further increase Xi’s authority” within this circle which holds the reality of power, supposes the dissident political scientist Wu Qiang.

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