comparator and anticipated orientation, all the new features announced by the government

This Sunday, December 17, the Minister of Higher Education, Sylvie Retailleau, announced some new features concerning the Parcoursup platform in the Sunday Journal.

Opening of the site to second year students, establishment of a course comparator, or even simplified access. The post-baccalaureate admission platform Parcoursup allowing young high school graduates to make their wishes will have a new look. This Sunday, December 17, the Minister of Education, Sylvie Retailleau, announced, to the Sunday Newspaper, the new features that the site will experience which opens on Wednesday, December 20. We are constantly improving the ergonomics of the platform in order to better help young people make their choices.”, she said in the columns of the newspaper.

From this year, from second grade, high school students who wish will be able to create their profile on Parcoursup”, she explained. Until now, the platform was only accessible to final year students and students wishing to reorient themselves. Registered students will also have “access to a comparator to find out about the content, the status of training, the pressure rate, tuition fees”. Thanks to this new tool, “they will be able to review the selection criteria which will also help them choose their specialty and save their favorites”.

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The Parcoursup platform has a new look

These new features should allow young people to be better “enlighten” and of “reduce stress. Of the “key figures on each training” will be available to answer any questions students may have. Of the advice will also be given on “the recommended courses in high school to go to this or that training”but also “on how to apply”. The minister also announced an enrichment of the data proposed for BTS or professional licenses. The dates of “open days offered by higher education establishments” can also be consulted on the platform.

However, if these new features are put in place to reduce student stress, they could have the opposite effect, according to Gwenn Thomas-Alves, spokesperson for the High School Union (USL). “The fact of being, from the Second, with Parcoursup, will create even more stress”, he said on France Info. According to him, the problem is above all thatthere is not enough space at the university. The union demands “150,000 places” so that students can “love what they do, continue their direction, and have a diploma”.

Registrations on Parcoursup will begin on January 17. Around 700,000 final year students and reorientation students are expected to enroll this year. In total, 93.5% of high school graduates who expressed their wishes received at least one offer of admission in 2023, a figure up compared to 2022.

Pauline has been writing for the Auféminin site for many months now. She enjoys deciphering current events as much as telling the latest stories about your favorite people. When she’s not looking…

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