Completely burned out? 5 Parent Burnout Warning Signs You Should Take Seriously

Parent burnout
5 warning signs you should take seriously

In the video we show you five signs that could indicate that you are suffering from ‘parent burnout’.

Children are undoubtedly the greatest happiness. But the fact that being a parent also has stressful and nerve-wracking aspects is rarely discussed – in the video you can see which alarm signals from your body you should pay attention to.

Everyday life with children is demanding and often full of challenges. Although our children are of course the greatest gift in life, factors such as stress and hectic pace can, in extreme cases, lead to downright burnout for many parents.

Parent burnout: 5 signs you need a break

Simply take a break – this is easier said than done, especially for parents. At the same time, it can often be difficult to correctly assess your own stress level, especially in these stressful situations. In the video, we’ll show you how to recognize your body’s warning signals and what can help.


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