Computex: NVIDIA introduces SFF-Ready certification for more compact graphics cards


PC & Gaming Specialist

June 2, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.


SFF-Ready: compact PCs in the crosshairs © NVIDIA

SFF-Ready: compact PCs in the crosshairs © NVIDIA

NVIDIA confirms SFF-Ready certification for compact cases and graphics cards more appropriate.

Not really a surprise, NVIDIA’s first pre-Computex announcement is the confirmation of a rumor from recent weeks, the implementation of a new validation for the graphics card format.

NVIDIA intends here to simplify the design of PCs dedicated to gaming that are more compact than usual by avoiding potential buyers having a nervous breakdown when thinking about the compatibility of the elements with each other.

At least GeForce RTX 4070…

Called SFF-Ready, this certification is nothing other than confirmation of SFF Enthusiast GeForce which was mentioned almost two months ago by our colleagues at Wccftech.

Today, it is no longer a question of a rumor, it is Jensen Huang – the CEO of NVIDIA – who through his keynote as a prelude to Computex 2024 in Taipei confirmed this. Beyond the confirmation, NVIDIA especially took the opportunity to clarify what this new certification involves, which concerns both graphics cards and cases.

The idea is obviously, on the buyer’s side, to be able to afford a case and an SFF-Ready graphics card without thinking more than that: compatibility between the two products is ensured by NVIDIA and its certification.

Simplify the graphics card/compact case combination © NVIDIA

Simplify the graphics card/compact case combination © NVIDIA

…in smaller than small packages?

In fact, this results in the application of certification to graphics cards equipped with at least a GeForce RTX 4070 GPU, but whose dimensions remain contained: 304 millimeters long by 151 mm high including the space for the power cable.

This last point is particularly important knowing that it is more than recommended not to force the curvature of said cable. The graphics card must “fit” into 2.5 PCI-Express slots. For its part, the SFF-Ready case is designed for such cards with an available space of 312 mm long by 154.5 mm high and 50 mm deep.

All dimensions required by SFF-Ready certification © NVIDIA

All dimensions required by SFF-Ready certification © NVIDIA

By combining two certified products, we will have the assurance that the insertion and operation of the graphics card will not pose a problem. It is also interesting to see such news a few hours after the rumor of the RTX 5090 “only” occupying two PCI-Express slots.

Everything suggests that the SFF-Ready format, although accessible to the GeForce RTX 4000, is more designed for future NVIDIA cards, in particular the GeForce RTX 5000, to see up to which model.

Source : NVIDIA



PC & Gaming Specialist

PC & Gaming Specialist

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