Computex: Project G-Assist, or when NVIDIA’s AI helps gamers in difficulty


PC & Gaming Specialist

June 2, 2024 at 8:11 p.m.


Project G-Assist: new string to the AI ​​bow according to NVIDIA © NVIDIA

Project G-Assist: new string to the AI ​​bow according to NVIDIA © NVIDIA

Artificial intelligence is used in every way, but Project G-Assist could be of real service to players who are a little lazy.

A few years ago, NVIDIA imagined a rather amusing April Fool’s joke where artificial intelligence would help players cheat in games by improving their skills at all levels.

Beyond the joke, it’s amusing to see that players will actually be able to benefit from a boost from artificial intelligence thanks to NVIDIA… but with all due respect, of course!

Artificial intelligence to the aid of gamers

The GTX G-Assist had amused the gallery at a time when artificial intelligence was not yet on everyone’s lips and when NVIDIA had not even released its first “RTX” graphics card.

Today, ahead of Computex 2024 in Taipei, NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang made the “dream” a reality by introducing Project G-Assist, a type of obviously intelligent assistant whose goal is to help the players. As we said in the preamble, there is obviously no question of cheating in this case.

Don’t worry, Project G-Assist won’t boost your reflexes or allow you to spot enemies from miles away. On the other hand, it could well provide a real helping hand when a little research is necessary to progress in a game.

A tool to snoop on the Internet for us

The idea behind Project G-Assist is ultimately quite simple and is based on the very comfortable side of not having to leave your adventure game to search the Internet for some clue to find the necessary resource to such craft, there spot an important non-player character.

Three games, three support examples © NVIDIA

Three games, three support examples © NVIDIA

A bit like ChatGPT, Project G-Assist could answer your most important questions to solve this or that problem, but where the thing gets interesting is that it would not even be necessary to crash the setting for this artificial intelligence. Indeed, Project G-Assist can perfectly find where you are in the adventure.

Project G-Assist is currently being trained by NVIDIA to learn how to navigate the ocean of information on the Internet about all the games of yesterday and today. It would then be possible to communicate with the AI, by text or even voice, in order to ask it for help to get out of trouble. The AI ​​would therefore obviously not play in your place.

Project G-Assist: to respond to player requests?  © NVIDIA

Project G-Assist: to respond to player requests? © NVIDIA

Project G-Assist would be able to tell you the weak points of a boss, determine precisely the objective of a quest and many other things. The AI ​​would also be able to optimize games in order to obtain better performance, a bit like what GeForce Experience already offers.

NVIDIA has so far only presented its technology. To see when the thing will actually be available.

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The best graphics cards in 2024 tested by our experts

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Source : NVIDIA (on YouTube)



PC & Gaming Specialist

PC & Gaming Specialist

Having fallen into video games at a time when it took a great imagination to see here a football match, there a tank fight in these few bars represented on the screen, I followed all the events...

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Having fallen into video games at a time when it took a great imagination to see here a football match, there a tank fight in these few bars represented on the screen, I have followed all the developments for forty years. Loyal to the PC, but a fan of all genres, I only have trouble with JRPGs. Otherwise, from the driest turn-based strategy to the most spectacular FPS, including sports simulations or musical games, I can do it all... with a preference for management and games combining several styles. My video game pantheon would consist of three series: Elite, Civilization and Max Payne.

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