Conceal gray roots: faster and more natural with 3 tricks

Conceal gray roots
3 tricks to make hair discoloration disappear more naturally

There are many products available to quickly cover gray strands of hair. We’ll show you what tips you can use to make yourself look more natural.

© doucefleur / Adobe Stock

Some like gray – others don’t! You probably didn’t know these three tricks that will make your gray roots disappear naturally.

To bridge the time between coloring, we like to use a spray or powder that covers our gray roots. Even though we love the instant effect, these products can also quickly look unnatural. You can avoid this with these three tricks.

Conceal gray roots – much more naturally with these 3 tricks

Who else knows the problem? You want to get out of the house quickly, just briefly cover your gray hair and – BANG! Suddenly there’s way too much product coming out of your root spray and you look like you’re wearing a wig. The Vertex is colored and there is also a lot of hair that frames the face too dark. The hairline in particular has a major visual impact: if it is lighter than the rest, our hair looks less full. We can do without apparently bare spots! And with these three tricks, we’ll do the same from now on.

1. Place the comb in the parting

If you want to wear your hair down and don’t have time for precision work, grab your favorite one Root spray and one Comb with handle. You place this on the top of your head before you start spraying. This keeps the crown free of product and keeps your skin color. For an even result, spray the spray 15 centimeters away. It looks much more natural this way!

2. Spray the brush first

Another trick that makes the result look much more natural includes one tightly bound (make-up) brush. Use a piece of kitchen roll to hold behind the brush when you spray it with your root spray – this will make the mess smaller afterwards. Cover the entire brush with enough color before letting it glide over your gray roots in dabbing movements. Work the product properly into your hair and press the roots with your other hand smooth, so that you can also reach the deeper strands. With the brush, the color gets less directly onto the gray roots and shows so much softer and of course off – you also have more control.

3. Toothbrush for baby hair

A full line of hair that frames the face makes us look much more youthful. If our gray roots show through, it can quickly appear as if we have bald spots. Our baby hair is called that for a reason: little hair, lots of skin. If we spray our root spray on it, the scalp in particular is colored, which doesn’t look natural. Take one instead toothbrush to help you spray it like a brush. Use a little less product and comb it into your baby hair without applying pressure. If most of the color is already on your hair, you can increase the pressure and apply the product Distribute zigzag movements towards the base. If you don’t have a root spray or a toothbrush at home (let’s hope not 😉 then you can use yours too tinted eyebrow gel use for this.


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