Concealer over 40: 5 makeup mistakes that make you look older

Concealer over 40
5 makeup mistakes that make you look older

No creasing! In the eye area of ​​make-up artist Katie Jane Hughes, no concealer settles in the wrinkles.


If concealer settles in wrinkles, it makes us look years older. The older we get, the more lines appear – you can avoid these five mistakes.

Something Concealers under the eyes makes us look fresher immediately. We can simply wipe out the short night or the red pimple in one swipe. But if applied incorrectly, the concealer creeps into our wrinkles under the eyes, settles unattractively and leaves us look years older than we actually areThe older our skin gets, the more our collagen structure loses stability – more wrinkles are the natural result. Concealer with over 40 Applying it is therefore different in terms of products and technology than before.

Concealer over 40: 5 makeup mistakes that accentuate wrinkles

There is no right or wrong when it comes to make-up. Some products and techniques simply look more flattering on the skin, make it look vital and shine youthfully – others have the opposite effect. If wrinkles and dry spots are accentuated, we look older. Avoid these five Faux pas if you want to avoid it.

1. Matte Concealer

Concealer is available in liquid, creamier and powdery texture. However, this does not say anything about the finish: it can be light-reflecting or matte. Products with a matte finish contain fewer moisturizing ingredients and oils – they are formulated to be dryThe concealer will then no longer move from the spot, which is desirable on pimples, but under the eyes very crusty and old Matte concealer has the habit of drying down and to settle in the fold and then not to leave it. In such a dynamic area as the eye area, it is advisable not to use a thick, matte texture, but rather to use a thin, light-reflecting product to grab.

2. No powder

Everyone has wrinkles around their eyes. Our facial expressions cause the skin to Foldwhereby the Slip concealer in can. To avoid this, we fix liquid/creamy textures with powder – if you don’t do this, it takes about five seconds for the product to gather somewhere. This accentuates the wrinkles and makes you look older than you actually are. Your mascara is also more likely to smudge, which can also add a few years.

3. Too much powder

The golden mean is the right way here too! Because if you use too much powder and let it work on the skin – as so many influencers do – it will remove too much moisture from the eye area, which dry Everything that looks dull, dry and crusty makes us look older – if our skin glows, reflects the light and looks plump, we look younger. This also applies to your complexion in general, for example when it comes to rouge.

4. Concealer is not light enough

Is your concealer the same color as your foundation? Then it may be too dark, which will Look tired and rather older can make you look younger. Here are a few tips to help you find the right color:

5. Use an eye cream beforehand

Eye cream is the best preparation before concealer, isn’t it? Well, if you regularly use a rich care product, your skin will definitely stay smoothso that the concealer settles less on dry areas. But don’t make the mistake of applying the eye cream directly in front of the concealer: The oils contained in the concealer can cause the concealer to slip on your skin or not bond with your skin and roll off. The resulting uneven result looks unflattering as it reveals dark discoloration and makes the look more tired and tends to look older.

4 tips on how to apply concealer correctly when you’re over 40

The best thing is Concealer with over 40 when it is not noticeable at all that we are wearing them. If you follow these tips, your eyes will look effortlessly awake:

  1. Apply a small amount of concealer in inner corner of the eye This will open your eyes immediately!
  2. One small amount enough! The more product you use, the more can creep into the wrinkles.
  3. Don’t forget the dark spots at the outer corner of the eye This gives you a nice lifting effect, making you look more awake.
  4. Use your fingerto work the concealer in. The body heat allows the product to melt into your skin, making the result look much more natural.

In addition to concealer, you can also make mistakes when applying eyeliner that can make you look older. But care should not be underestimated either: antioxidants and collagen-preserving ingredients are the key to firm, radiant skin. That’s why we’re taking a few tips from this 80-year-old grandmother’s skincare routine.


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