Concealer over 40: This is how it looks natural and doesn’t slip into any creases

Concealer OVER40
Dos and Don’ts when covering dark circles under the eyes

Our skin changes as we age – we adapt the concealer accordingly.


Accentuated wrinkles, product buildup, and translucent dark circles—we’re tired of bad concealer! That’s why you’ll find the ultimate guide for skin over 40 here – including perfectly tailored product recommendations.

“One for all” couldn’t be less true when it comes to makeup. Individual skin types have different requirements. Our skin changes and requires different treatment when we are over 40 than when we were 20. Wrinkles under the eyes, less elasticity and humidity are the most normal thing in the world and don’t bother anyone unless they are accentuated by the wrong application of concealer. If you follow these tips, you will get a very natural result that will look great under your eyes stand out visually lets and you one alert look gives.

Concealer Ü40: How to do it – what you can pay attention to

As we age, the skin’s collagen production slows down, which is why it loses its elasticity. Lipid production also decreases, which can lead to increased dryness. Due to the thinner layers of skin, there are naturally fewer sebaceous glands under the eyes, which is why dryness wrinkles are more common in this region. In addition, the eye area is a region with a lot of movement through facial expressions – Concealer slips faster and folds, which accentuates them. Proper preparation of the skin is essential so that the make-up does not settle on dry areas.

1. Preparation of the skin under the eyes

There are many eye creams, but not all of them are suitable for use under make-up. You should go for particularly rich textures only in the evening apply, because the concealer can slip over them. Silicone-based creams (smoothing, pore-filling products) can also be used problematic because they can roll off. Instead, use eye care that provides plenty of moisture. Ingredients like hyaluronan, Glycerin and Pentylene glycol Bind water to the skin, absorb quickly and are therefore the optimal preparation for the skin under the eyes. These products work very well with concealer:

2. Concealer

The right color and, above all, skin undertone is crucial for flawless application. Check your knuckles to see if you have one to warm (yellow/gold), neutrals or pink If you have a reddish skin tone, it is more likely to be pink or neutral (product colors are marked with p for pink, r for rose or n for neutral). If the color of your knuckles hardly differs from your skin tone, your undertone is rather warm. (Product colors are marked with y for yellow or g for gold). The color of your concealer should be approximately a shade lighter be, as your foundation. Because light colors stand out visually and therefore appear fuller. Does the color best match the Inside of your forearm at.

A concealer for skin over 40 should have a thin consistency, be moisturizing and have a glowy finish. Thick, pasty, matte textures have no place on our face.
These products are particularly suitable for skin over 40:

3rd order

We want the concealer to slip into the wrinkles as little as possible. When placing the product, you can be careful not to apply too much product unnecessarily. Because the more there is on the skin, the more it can slip. So make sure you hit exactly the blue or dark discoloration and not – as you often see on the internet – paint the entire region. A small amount on Inner and outer corners of the eyesas well as directly on the discoloration is often enough. You should especially avoid the region under the eyelash line due to wrinkles.

When it comes to assignments, many paths lead to happiness. The following technique may seem unusual, but it is very profitable.
Step by step instructions:

  1. Apply concealer to the back of your hand.
  2. Spray a fluffy (eyeshadow) blending brush with fixing spray.
  3. Use the slightly damp brush and disperse the concealer on the back of your hand so that a small amount is evenly distributed on the brush.
  4. Stroke the skin in the areas described with the brush and slowly build up the product. We’ll worry about the stripes later.
  5. Now the concealer is on the skin – time to work it in! With many small tapping movements you now fade it in with your ring finger. Not enough coverage yet? Then pick up the brush again and repeat this process until you are satisfied.
  6. Now let’s wait a few minutes. During this time you can devote yourself to another step in your makeup routine. Afterwards, the concealer should have crept into your crease a little – completely normal, we haven’t fixed it yet. Now take a cotton swab and remove the accumulated product residue so that it doesn’t creep back in later.
  7. Finally, spray a dry make-up sponge again with fixing spray, wait a moment, and then gently tap the area again so that the result is even.

4. Fix

We have already made some of the concealer more durable with the fixing spray. But that’s not enough for us to get a perfect result. Powder removes some moisture from the concealer, making it more long-lasting. But that is exactly the danger: too much and the wrong powder can make the region appear dry. That’s why we’re using one again here very small amount of a transparent setting powder and press it with a Powder puff into the skin. Distribute the powder evenly on your powder puff so that the first area of ​​skin doesn’t get a full load of powder and the second area doesn’t. To prevent this, you could also briefly place the puff with powder on it on your face Press the back of your hand and circle so that you work the product evenly into the powder puff. Before you blend in the powder with small dabbing movements, you have to make sure that no product in the folds has accumulated. If this is the case, hide it with your finger before fixing it.

Concealer: These powders and sprays fixate without leaving the skin dry:

Have you only been applying concealer under your eyes? Then you’re missing out! As mentioned, kicks Bright visually stands out and we can also use this in other regions of our face. As we get older, some areas of the face sag: under the eyes, on the temples or even at the Nasolabial fold. If you place your concealer there, your face will immediately appear more youthful.


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