Concerns about the invasion of Ukraine: USA: “We are prepared for any eventuality”

Concern about invasion of Ukraine
USA: “We are prepared for any eventuality”

Bilateral talks in Geneva are intended to defuse the Ukraine crisis, but Moscow sees the negotiations as a disappointment. Now the USA are again signaling their willingness to negotiate. At the same time, Washington emphasizes that it is also prepared for a Russian invasion of Ukraine.

After crisis talks between Russia and Western countries, the United States again warned Moscow against a further escalation in the Ukraine conflict. US President Joe Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, said on Thursday, referring to the Russian troop deployment on the border with Ukraine: “It is certainly the case that the risk of a military invasion is high.” So far, however, the secret services have not come to the conclusion “that the Russians have finally decided to take military action in Ukraine.”

Sullivan once again called on Moscow to de-escalate and reduce troops in the region. The US national security adviser said: “We and our allies are prepared for any eventuality.” This applies both to diplomatic negotiations and in the event that Russian President Vladimir Putin seeks military escalation.

“We have made Russia very clear about the costs and consequences of further military action or the destabilization of Ukraine.” Sullivan again threatened Moscow with economic and financial sanctions, export control measures and an armament of Ukraine “if the Russian military crosses the Ukrainian border”.

“The talks were open and direct”

Representatives of the 30 NATO countries and Russia held talks on Wednesday for the first time in two and a half years – about the Ukraine conflict and security guarantees that Moscow is demanding from the transatlantic military alliance. There was also a meeting of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) on Thursday. A high-level meeting of representatives of Russia and the United States was held in Geneva on Monday.

Russia sees its security threatened by NATO and is therefore demanding an end to NATO’s eastward expansion and, in particular, a renunciation of Ukraine’s membership. The US categorically rejects such a commitment. Western countries, on the other hand, are alarmed about the Russian troop deployment near Ukraine.

Sullivan said, “The talks were frank and direct, they were useful.” The United States would now consult with its allies on how to proceed. There are currently no dates for new talks with Russia. Moscow was disappointed by the negotiations. According to the Interfax agency, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said there were no new talks with the United States for the time being.

Referring to the possible stationing of Russian troops in Cuba and Venezuela, Sullivan said: “If Russia were to move in this direction, we would act decisively.” He did not give details. The government in Moscow had not ruled out such a step if talks on binding security guarantees failed. It is not yet clear whether there could be compromises.

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