concert halls and sporting events subject to new restrictions

During the Indochina experimental concert, assessing the risks associated with the resumption of public gatherings, in Paris, in May 2021.

In order to slow the progression of the Covid-19 pandemic and its new variants, Prime Minister Jean Castex announced, Monday, December 27, that the maximum number of spectators authorized for sporting and cultural events will be set at 2,000 people in indoor enclosures and 5,000 for outdoor structures. A measure that will be applied for three weeks, from January 3, 2022.

While the large open-air festivals are not organized in winter, the more than 150 performance halls with capacity exceeding 2,000 seats in the region – the Summum in Grenoble, Le Liberté in Rennes, the Zénith network , the Palais des sports or Parc Expo and the Arenas – should be affected by the indoor measurement restrictions. Standing concerts will also be prohibited.

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Even if the entertainment sector is traditionally less active in January until mid-February, several tours were to take place during this period. That of Julien Clerc in the Zénith is already postponed and, if the ten dates in January of PLK, Orelsan or Alain Souchon were still announced, on the evening of December 27, that should change quite quickly. On the other hand, at the Accor Arena, in Paris (20,000 seats in sit / stand) and in Paris-La Défense Arena (40,000 seats), the first concerts are not scheduled before mid-February. For large venues, apart from those which exceed this limit of 2,000 people by a few hundred seats, it is economically impossible for producers to navigate with gauges below 80%, and sometimes more, reception capacities.

For Malika Séguineau, Managing Director of Prodiss, the employers’ organization representing the main musical and variety show companies in France, “It’s a new blow” : “These measures will jeopardize many shows whose dates can no longer be postponed to 2022 since no date will be available. It is again the desperation which strikes the sector. This will translate into fewer hours for intermittent entertainment workers and will seriously weaken many businesses. ” She fears that the three-week duration of gauge restrictions will be extended further and will ask for exceptional support and accompanying measures from the Ministry of Culture and Bercy. In the cinema sector, no room in France, apart from the Grand Rex in Paris, has a capacity of more than 2,000 seats. In all these places, the consumption of food and beverages “Will be prohibited”, said Jean Castex, as in concert halls. And the mask will have to be worn there.

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