Concrete agreements at the G7 to phase out coal, says Germany

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BERLIN (Reuters) – G7 countries have reached concrete agreements to end coal-fired power generation and expand the use of renewable energy, German Environment Minister Steffi Lemke said on Friday. quoted by RTL/ntv.

If confirmed, it would be the first commitment by the G7 to shut down coal-fired power plants, the shutdown of which is deemed necessary to limit climate change because of their CO2 emissions which contribute to rising global temperatures.

“There are very concrete declarations and agreements for the development of renewable energies but also for example for the exit from coal”, said Steffi Lemke, whose country currently chairs the G7.

The final communiqué from the group’s environment ministers’ meeting, to be released on Friday, will also focus on preserving biodiversity and tackling plastic pollution, she added.

The three-day meeting in Berlin comes as the war in Ukraine and the desire of Western countries to no longer buy Russian gas and oil raise fears of an increased reliance on coal-fired power plants that could undermine efforts to fight change. climatic.

Germany asserts that the search for alternative energy resources to Russian hydrocarbons will not be at the expense of environmental objectives.

(Report Maria Sheahan, written by Matthias Williams, French version Bertrand Boucey, edited by Kate Entringer)

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