Confession when questioned – girl only faked attack with pepper spray

It was all just a fairy tale: A 15-year-old teenager claimed to have been attacked by a stranger with pepper spray in the parking lot in front of an East Tyrolean disco on the night of March 19. Now the teenager made a “confession” to the police.

Her story seemed credible at first – after all, the teenager actually had to be taken to the Lienz district hospital by ambulance and treated there because of an eye irritation. The 15-year-old told the police that she had been sprayed with pepper spray by an unknown man in front of a Lienz disco. The perpetrator then fled. The alleged victim was even able to provide a description of the man. Playing around with a girlfriend Apparently it was all fiction. Because in the course of another interrogation, the young person has now admitted “that she and a friend were handling a pepper spray herself and that caused irritation,” the investigators say.
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