Confidants on Kadyrov’s sex life: He “knew no boundaries” – even with minors

Sex also with minors
Confidants about Kadyrov’s “harem”: He knew no boundaries

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Putin’s bloodhound Kadyrov is also said to be abusing his power in Chechnya to force minors to have sex. A Russian exile portal reports kidnappings on the president’s orders.

After Russia invaded Ukraine, Ramzan Kadyrov quickly became known as “Putin’s bloodhound,” whose army acts in an ultra-brutal manner. But the Chechen leader is not only considered ruthless on the battlefield. In his palace in the capital Grozny, he is said to have sexual relations with minors, some of the girls were kidnapped on his orders. “Kadyrov prefers virgin girls, schoolgirls or first-year students,” an informant close to Kadyrov told the Russian exile portal “Project.” Kadyrov has an assistant “who maintains contact with many young Chechen women. Dozens, perhaps hundreds.” Not everyone enters into a relationship with the president voluntarily.

The portal “Project” traces Kadyrov’s path to power in a two-and-a-half-hour film. Kadyrov has been president of the Russian republic of Chechnya since 2007. The film features Kadyrov’s forerunners, as well as beneficiaries, and a whole series of women who have had or have had sexual relations with Kadyrov, sometimes voluntarily but often under duress.

Targeted shots in the head and chest

According to the filmmakers’ research, the 47-year-old Chechen leader has set up a kind of harem for himself. If the “Sultan’s” lover is particularly well-disposed, he may receive a palace or other prestigious property near the president’s official residence as a gift. But the life of luxury can end abruptly and very early. For example, if one of the women becomes pregnant and was not intended to be pregnant.

In 2003, Kadyrov’s lover Zhanetta Mukuyeva, whom he had known since his youth, was killed by several targeted shots to the head and chest. The execution took place in the open street. Two people familiar with Kadyrov told researchers that Mukuyeva was pregnant at the time of her death. Kadyrov is said to have been very pleased at the news of her violent death, even though he had desired her for years. One of Kadyrov’s gas stations in the capital Grozny was temporarily renamed “Zhanetta”. This was Kadyrov’s way of sending a posthumous farewell to his executed lover.

If a child of Kadyrov’s lover makes it into the world, it is part of the ruler’s clan. It is assigned to Kadyrov’s officially only wife, Medni Kadyrova, who has already had more than a dozen “offspring” in this way. The children are guaranteed a career in government or state administration: the entire power apparatus in Grozny is teeming with siblings, brothers-in-law, uncles and now increasingly also children of the Chechen leader. Where the lavish salaries of the family and relatives cannot keep up with the demands, embezzled funds are used to fill the gaps.

In any case, according to the filmmakers, everyone in Chechnya knows that Kadyrov has a whole series of relationships. A pop song from 2012 lists various women who are “gathered in competition”, according to the lyrics – Fatima, Khadija, Madina, Zamira, Kameta, Elina, Asja… “Everyone thinks she is number one.”

Kidnapped on the way to school

Although polygamy is illegal under Russian law, these relationships are registered by local mullahs in Chechnya as Islamic marriages, known as nikahs. This is intended to protect the women from accusations of fornication if Kadyrov loses interest and they are dismissed from the presidential palace.

In the 2000s, Kadyrov “knew no limits” when it came to the girls he coveted, say sources from the “Project” researchers. Some were kidnapped on their way to school. According to the filmmakers’ sources, two underage girls alone were impregnated by Kadyrov.

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