Congestion chaos on the A10 – Saturday results: lax controls, incorrect closures

The protest was more subtle and the traffic was much smoother than last weekend. As reported, the congestion-plagued neighboring communities on the Tauern Autobahn (A10) quickly sealed off their town centers in the media. This Saturday, Golling closed three municipal roads again, all of them alternative routes for traffic jam refugees from home and abroad.

Officially, because “urgent renovation work” is needed there. There were no construction workers to be seen, but there were barriers. Road safety employees repeatedly sent vacationers’ cars away. But: Unlike on previous travel Saturdays, there were significantly fewer cars in the town center. Even on the A10 itself, there were not nearly as massive waiting times around the tunnel construction site between Golling andwerfen. There were repeated blockages in both directions. There were barriers to departures, but controls were extremely lax. During a “Krone” local inspection on Saturday, all holidaymakers’ cars were able to drive past the Asfinag checkpoints unhindered. “We only check when traffic on the motorway is no longer running smoothly,” said an Asfinag employee.
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