Connection with Bub – third measles patient in Salzburg confirmed

A third case of measles became known in the state on Tuesday: It is said to be related to the six-year-old who was brought to the children’s clinic by his parents a week ago with a rash. It has not yet been confirmed whether it is the one-year-old brother.

The State Medical Directorate announced a third case of the contagious measles disease in the state on Tuesday afternoon. It is linked to the first patient, a six-year-old boy from the city of Salzburg, whose illness became known a week ago. It has not yet been officially confirmed whether it is his brother (1), who also had a fever. The second case became known on Thursday: a young man from Flachgau was infected. Measles is an illness that is accompanied by fever and an itchy rash and is manifested by coughing, a runny nose and inflammation in the nasopharynx. After a few days, the typical skin rash appears on the face and usually spreads over the entire body. The virus is transmitted via droplet infection.
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