“Consent education will be the subject of specific lessons at school”


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Presidential 2022. Anne Hidalgo delivered to Aufeminin her vision and her proposals on several themes, including education. It intends to fight against gender inequalities from school.

Questioned by the editorial staff of Aufeminin, Anne Hidalgo agreed to answer our questionnaire and give us her positions on various topics. The Socialist Party candidate for the presidential election thus detailed her proposals on women’s health, gender equality and women’s rights. She also explained to us her vision of education.

Anne Hidalgo assures that “consent education will be the subject of specific lessons at school within the framework of real sex education courses”. She also intends to fight against “all discrimination” by placing “ltransmission of the values ​​of the Republic“in the heart of a”redesigned and strengthened civic education”. Finally, she details her positions to fight against gender inequalities, in particular through school textbooks.

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Anne Hidalgo: her positions on education

Sex education is now compulsory in middle school and high school, but little applied. How do you intend to impose it?

I will place the transmission of the values ​​of the Republic (freedom, equality, fraternity, secularism and the fight against all forms of discrimination: anti-Semitism, racism, LGBTQIphobias and sexism) at the heart of a redesigned and reinforced civic education. Consent education will also be the subject of specific lessons at school in the context of real sex education lessons, all the more essential since pornography wreaks havoc among young people in this area.

Do you plan to teach gender equality from primary school?

I will discard school books that convey gender stereotypes at school. I will bring the teaching staff to deconstruct these stereotypes, especially during the process of orientation towards the sectors. And it will be necessary to encourage diversity during the various school activities, and particularly in sport.

Textbooks, study corpus, women are under-represented in the programs: how to remedy this?

Yes, and we will fix it. I don’t think the issue should be resolved by image quotas. On the other hand, the commissions which validate the textbooks will have to verify the respect of a schedule of conditions which places the equal representation of women and men in priority.

The reform of the Bac has led to a desertion of scientific subjects by young girls. How do you intend to facilitate women’s access to so-called male professions?

I will come back to the recent reform of the lycée in order to prevent certain pupils, and girls in particular, from abandoning mathematics, as has been the case in recent years, ruining twenty years of effort to achieve equality almost perfect.
I will strengthen the attractiveness of scientific careers for young people, and young girls in particular, in particular by increasing public research funding in order to reach the threshold of 3% of GDP devoted to research and development.
I will also lead an awareness campaign to strengthen the attractiveness of sectors with a future that are overwhelmingly male, such as the digital sector, for young girls, emphasizing the diversity of professions.

Philippe Husson

Responsible for Aufeminin’s content, Philippe is passionate about current events, whether it concerns (many) social issues, or even culture, television programs, SVOD programs, …

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