Constitutional Council: Darmanin “very happy” with Emmanuel Macron’s choices

Clement Parakeet

Emmanuel Macron’s decision to appoint three personalities close to the executive to the Constitutional Council caused controversy this week. Invited this Wednesday on Europe 1, Gérald Darmanin defended the appointment of Jacqueline Gourault, the current Minister of Territorial Cohesion.

Gérald Darmanin, the Minister of the Interior was the guest of Europe 1 this Wednesday morning. The Minister of the Interior has defended the appointment of Jacqueline Gourault to the Constitutional Council. A decision that has caused controversy because some opposition figures take a dim view of the direct passage of a political figure from the government to the Constitutional Council.

“I am very happy that the President of the Republic has chosen Jacqueline Gourault who is an admirable woman and a rural mayor. She was a great minister for local communities”, he welcomed. Some political observers also wondered if this appointment was not a way for the executive to thank the MoDem camp. Jacqueline Gourault is indeed close to François Bayrou. “Mr. Fabius, the President of the Constitutional Council was close to François Hollande. Fortunately, in politics there are people close to others”, defended Gérald Darmanin.

“Jacqueline Gourault will render her services to France well”

“The appointments made by the President of the Republic, it’s three per year”, continued the guest of Europe 1. “This is also the case of Gérard Larcher [le président du Sénat, NDLR]. And you are not making the same case against President Larcher who appoints his former chief of staff, who is undoubtedly someone extremely good.

“Jacqueline Gourault will render her services to France well. We do not want to leave women who obviously have an immoderate taste for public affairs the possibility of being able to serve their country”, added Gérald Darmanin.

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