Control freak? 10 thoughts that will make your life easier

Control settee?
10 thoughts that will make your life easier

© NickyLloyd / Getty Images

At some level we all strive for security. Some need them less, others are real control freaks. Unfortunately, security is a pretty deceptive business, much like control. So instead of using energy to convulsively keep the upper hand, let’s try these 10 thoughts.

Life is like a tour in a sailing boat: sometimes we go there very relaxed in calm waters, sometimes we face storms, lose our orientation and try not to overturn at best. But just as we cannot control wind and weather, we cannot control life. Because the fact is: there are simply too many parts in the big picture. Now you can of course struggle to try to keep these parts together nicely, but that takes a lot of strength and in the end something breaks out anyway. Instead, we prefer to try acceptance and letting go. Not that easy, but these thoughts are definitely a good place to start.

Mindset for letting go and accepting

1. I cannot protect anyone from making mistakes. It is not my responsibility how other people shape their lives. Everyone has the right to learn from their own mistakes.

2. I accept that my partner does things differently from me and trusts.

3. I don’t have to do everything alone. Accepting and asking for help is a sign of strength.

4. The world does not end when the mountains of laundry pile up and the dust mice have already settled down at home. It’s okay if I still prefer to play a round of netflix instead of cleaning.

5. I accept that I cannot control life.

6. It’s okay to lose track.

7. I change my perspective when I notice that my inner critic is again inappropriately hard on me.

8. I look at myself and my work benevolently, just as I do with friends and colleagues.

9. I take care of my finances and ensure that I have security in old age.

10. I stand up for myself by making visible what I am doing. I am aware of my worth and no longer define myself through comparison with other people.