conversation summaries, Clyde ChatGPT and smart moderation

Discord just got on the artificial intelligence hype bandwagon. The online chat and community service has many plans to best integrate AI into its functions.

After Google or Microsoft, it’s Discord’s turn to take up the increasingly popular subject of artificial intelligence. Frandroid was able to attend a presentation of the firm’s projects in this area and the least we can say is that the service has a lot of ideas.

It must be said that Discord is already a breeding ground for artificial intelligence. It is on this service that millions of users discover the generation of images with MidJourney. Discord reports that 3 million servers already integrate AI in one way or another, and more than 30 million users try it every month.

Clyde: ChatGPT directly in your conversations

Perhaps the biggest new feature is the integration of ChatGPT with Discord’s Clyde chatbot. On the servers where the function is activated, it will be possible to call Clyde as simply as another user and ask him questions directly as one can do in ChatGPT.

Source: Discord

To integrate this new service, Discord has also partnered with OpenAI and the model used is strictly speaking that of ChatGPT. This means that as with ChatGPT, and unlike Bing, Clyde’s knowledge base is stuck in 2021. You won’t be able to ask him about current news events.

During his presentation, Discord gave several examples of using Clyde for rather simple requests like ” what time is it in Tokyo? “. The service specifies that server administrators will obviously be able to configure, moderate, or even deactivate Clyde’s functions.

Faced with the individual use of ChatGPT, Discord puts forward the idea of ​​a conversation with several around the chatbot and a collective activity.

A summary of the conversations

If you are a Discord regular, you must have had at least once the impression of having missed a conversation between other members when connecting. It is then necessary to reread the messages on the previous hours to understand and be able to take part in the conversation. A rather frustrating feeling.

Source: Discord

With conversation summaries, Discord wants to use AI to offer you a summary created automatically and accessible in a few clicks from a chat channel. It thus becomes much easier to get back on the train.

Assisted moderation tools

Moderation is a key topic when it comes to social media and Discord is no exception. The strength of the service lies in the ability of administrators to set their rules and be able to moderate the content shared on their space themselves.

With AI, Discord wants to make moderation easier by giving AutoMod new capabilities through AI. The idea here is to allow AutoMod to understand the rules of a Discord server and to better understand a conversation and its context to automatically report potentially problematic messages to moderation.

Launch next week

At this point, Discord talks about AI integration as a series of experiments. The rollout will start next week on a limited number of servers, depending on popularity and activity. Using AI like ChatGPT can be very expensive and Discord probably wants to be very careful. As it stands, the use of these new services will be free.

Discord also revealed a small preview of longer-term plans. It is about a collaborative whiteboard where the sketches of the speakers can be transformed into images thanks to Midjourney. Along the same lines, Discord introduced Avatar Remix, the ability to ask the AI ​​to rework one’s avatar or that of another user (for example, adding a mustache to a photo).

The firm is only in the early stages of these new projects, but the enthusiasm of its teams was particularly palpable.

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