Conversations with mothers that we have, even though we thought they were awful

Do you know?
Conversations with mothers that we have, even though we used to find them awful

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We just say: Pipi, Kacka and “What are you cooking today?”

by Theresa Koenig

It’s clear that we used to be a bit cooler overall, but all mothers know that there are these topics that you just can’t get around…

1. What are you cooking today?

In fact, this is the best of all playground themes, because you can really learn something from it. For example, that others only cook with water or just cook spaghetti with butter every day because their child is just as difficult with vegetables and everything else that contains vitamins and minerals as ours. Or actually the fastest recipe for the best apple pie in the world. Does that sound a bit boring? It is. But also practical. What else we learned: Thermomix mothers are a very special secret group, with a language that only they understand – and the “broccoli salad you just have to try”.

2. Pee, poo, puke

We apologize for all this rude language, but as a mother you develop a certain detachment on certain topics. Of course, nasty gastrointestinal diseases are not the fanciest party talk highlight, but they are part of our lives. Unfortunately. So sometimes we have to talk about it. The pee-poo topic, on the other hand, is something we like to be pushed on from time to time by little people who are so fascinated by it that they can hardly stop. Sometimes it’s even funny. But really only sometimes.

3. The affairs of others

Since our lives are not always among the most exciting, those of others are of course very, very exciting. Especially when it comes to amorous entanglements, playground whispering can hardly be topped in terms of explosiveness. It’s similar to how it used to be in the office, where we now don’t have the minutes for it because we often work part-time now. Even back then, it was a bit ghastly to discuss other people’s love lives behind their backs, but it’s always been interesting. Sometimes something like direct psychological counseling takes place, which is a little less terrible, but still just as exciting. Let’s be honest, if August’s mother has something with Lisa-Marie’s father, that’s better than the last episode of “Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten”.

4.The sleep!

Frequently asked question: “How does your child sleep?”Also replaceable with: “You look tired”. Optional: “You look amazingly recovered today”. Runs through from the birth to the departure of the offspring. First we talk about how often the baby wakes up. Then about how often the toddler ends up in the parents’ bed. Then at some point about not being able to sleep when the teenagers are out. Infinite theme, works great as a retiree too. Even without children.

5. PS

Of course we know that these are all just total stereotypes, but somehow they are sometimes true…


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