Copper (in $/tonne): at its highest since 03/7/2022

( – Copper is rising towards $10,600, registering its ‘highest’ since the brief test of 10,700 on March 7, 2022, in a very particular context (post-invasion of Ukraine, all commodities the first ones had flamed).
Today’s annual record is recorded in a much calmer climate, at the end of an – admittedly rapid – progression of +33% since a low of $8,000 recorded on February 12 which is this time supported by volumes and not ‘ purchases at all costs’.
The next objective – now very close – will be the retracement of the historic zenith of 10,730 of March 7, 2022 then of $10,700 of May 10 and October 20, 2021 (peaks reached with the post-Covid global economic restart).

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