Corinne Touzet makes her debut at Camping Paradis, Monday June 27 at 9:10 p.m. on TF1, for new Olympics, shot under the direction of Laurent Ournac, actor and director. Prints.
Was this the first time you were offered a Camping Paradis?
Corinne Touzet: No, but this time it was a real, constructed role. Not just an appearance. At first, Martine, my character, was a little too classic, but we quickly transformed her…
That’s to say ?
She was a small lady who had trouble carrying her suitcase on arriving at the campsite and who was being helped by Parizot. At first I refused, thinking that I needed an actress older than me who carries my suitcase on her own, without the help of a man, and who has the character of a pig! (She laughs.) But thanks to a real exchange with Laurent, we brought the character of Martine back to life.
How did you find him as a director?
Very precise. I like when directors know what they want. It feels good ! He’s there, he observes, he listens… And then, he’s a hard worker! It’s very hard to be both in front of and behind the camera. I felt very good on her set.
Does the experience of directing appeal to you?
I dream about it ! I know I can do it. We talked about it a lot with Laurent. Like me when I started producing, he learns every day, it’s exciting. All the great actors that I revere, like Robert Redford Where Robert DeNiro, knocked me down when they got to directing. Not that the others are bad, but their look is different. The way of filming is not the same, the silences are much stronger.
What are you waiting for to get started?
For now, the theater fills me with joy and brings me wonderful roles. I’m going on tour from next October to January with Just an improvement, a piece I performed last year at the Lucernaire (Paris). I will also be in Avignon in one-on-stage –Europeana– staged by Virginie Lemoine and I’m working on a play project with Olivier Marshall. But I would love to be given the opportunity to direct.
Campers of the day
Tuesday April 19, 2022, the thermometer broke records at the L’Arquet-Côte Bleue campsite in Martigues! This is where the series turns Camping Paradise and in particular the Olympiades au paradis episode, directed by Laurent Ournac. Bright pink T-shirt and sunglasses, Corinne Touzet joined the troupe to play Martine, mother-in-law of Tom Delorme, owner of the premises. She came to meet her son-in-law on the occasion of the pregnancy of her daughter, Stéphanie, played by Juliet Oak. During these new Olympics, she will test herself in many disciplines – including archery – shooting an arrow in the heart of the indescribable Parizot, with whom she teams up. By his side, Kamel Belghazi and Cartman form a duo of enemy fathers that their children will try to reconcile under the good auspices of Tom. “Engine! Action!” On either side of the camera, Laurent Ournac is definitely everywhere.
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