Corona Aktuell: Immunologist on masks: "In principle, any substance is suitable"

They have been in discussion with virologists for a long time, and Angela Merkel is now "urgently" recommending them: simple everyday masks, which should be worn primarily when shopping and on the bus and train. They can protect them from everything else. Because if you are asymptomatic, you can still spread the corona virus unwittingly.

But if you want to equip yourself now, you have to face a riddle: What kind of mask do I need? How can I sew one myself – and what do I have to consider in terms of fabric? Bernhard Fleischer, immunologist and head of the National Reference Center for Tropical Infection Pathogens at the Bernhard Nocht Institute in Hamburg, answered these questions for us.

Mouthguard immunologist: "It is crucial that everyone wears it"

Mr. Fleischer, why do we need masks at all now?

"When you exhale or cough, an infected person throws droplets containing viruses far away, far more than a meter. The 'mask' – or better, the mouth-nose protection, because the mouth and nose should be covered – can prevent this. This reduces the likelihood to infect others if you yourself are infected undetected.

It is crucial that everyone wears it, because nobody knows whether it was not recently infected.

What kind of mask offers this protection?

"A very simple mouth-nose protection, for example made of fabric, is also suitable for this. Even if it cannot be tight, because the air we breathe passes through, it slows down the viruses considerably, so that the infected person only in a very narrow area is infectious. With the usual distance rules in business or on the train, this would prevent infection. "

What do I have to consider if I want to make such an everyday mask myself?

"All sorts of 'masks' would be suitable for this. You could take fabric in two layers and, if necessary, put a Kleenex in it. You can find lots of handicraft instructions on the Internet, e.g. from kitchen paper or vacuum cleaner bags."

You don't have to tinker or sew, you can also fold a square cloth and fasten it with rubber bands behind your ears.

Which fabrics should I use for this?

"In principle, any substance is suitable. It should not be too thin or large-pored, because then the droplets are not held back well. If it is too tight, breathing is not so easy. You can also use multiple layers of thin fabric. "

Do I have to throw away the mask after one use?

"Mouth and nose protection can be used several times, lukewarm washing of the fabric with a little neutral soap is sufficient. The virus is sensitive to dehydration, so you can just leave a paper protector for a day, or 30 minutes at 60 degrees in the oven to bake."

Thank you for the interview!

The more people wear masks, the greater the protection. Because then fewer viruses get into the air. So now everyone can actively contribute to slowing the spread of the coronavirus. Here you will learn how to sew a simple mask yourself.