Corona crisis: Angela Merkel should allow cinema operations again

Corona crisis
Angela Merkel should allow cinema operations again

The cinemas should open again as soon as possible

© Media Whalestock /

Several cinema and distribution associations have contacted Chancellor Angela Merkel directly. The cinemas should open at Easter.

The projectors should start up again: In a letter to Chancellor Angela Merkel (66), Chancellor Helge Braun (48) and all the Prime Ministers, several distribution and cinema associations are trying to open the German movie theaters on Easter 2021. They emphasize in a press release "the There is a need for an early, concrete opening perspective in order not to let the enormous damage increase further ".

It is time "for cultural life to return to Germany, even if the pandemic has not yet been overcome," says the Gilde deutscher Filmkunsttheater (AG Kino), the Association of Independent Film Distributors (AG Verleih), the Federal Association of Communal Film Work ( BkF), the Main Association of German Film Theaters (HDF Kino) and the Association of Film Distributors (VdF).

Perspective needed

The cinema and film industries are "particularly badly affected economically" and need "a perspective to regain a foothold". Insofar as the "positive development of the infection process" continues "and the pandemic remains controllable even with mutations, the cinemas plead for a reopening at Easter".

One advocates a "nationwide uniformly scheduled opening strategy". It is also feared that film theaters will be disadvantaged, although "cultural sites and cinemas with permanently installed seats and ventilation systems as well as tried and tested hygiene concepts and functioning contact tracking are comparatively particularly safe".

Therefore, among other things, it is legally questionable "if trade and gastronomy are allowed to open in front of the cultural sites". In addition, it is important not to link a reopening to a regional incidence value – apart from local outbreaks. On February 10, the federal and state governments will again discuss the corona situation. According to media reports, a lockdown extension until the beginning of March is foreseeable.
