Corona crisis: How to make the most of summer

For many of us, this summer ran and runs differently than planned. Still, we should do our best to enjoy it and relax. Lifecoach Attila Albert gives tips on how we can do this.

This year has been a challenge for us like no other. Only the acute corona crisis, often for months with partners and children in the home office. For many, the long-awaited vacation also failed: Flights canceled, the vacation destination no longer possible due to difficult local conditions or quarantine requirements.

How can you find inner peace and new strength? "It is important and possible to experience a relaxing holiday anyway," says relationship coach and book author Attila Albert ("I am no longer involved"). "Maybe different than planned, but not necessarily worse." Here are 6 steps to help you do it.

6 things you should do this summer

1. Enjoy the free time

You may not be able to experience exactly the vacation you were looking forward to. Don't worry too much about it, you can always do it later. Albert: "The most important thing is free time for you and others. To relax and strengthen yourself, to find you as a couple and family again. Everything else is always just the background."

2. Allow your feelings

When it finally gets a little calmer, you will only consciously notice much of the tension of the past few months. Fears and worries, sadness, frustration and anger may come up. Albert: "You don't have to be embarrassed by these feelings, let them in and out. It doesn't matter if your tears come. The others will understand."

3. Allow yourself fun

Many serious issues have overshadowed our everyday lives and will continue to do so for a long time. It is important that you bring back fun and joie de vivre. Albert: "Pick something that makes you happy and carefree, lets you forget everything again. As a family in the Lasertag-Arena, watch a comedy, snack on colorful donuts – laugh together!"

Attila Albert is a certified coach. In his book "I no longer participate", he gives numerous tips and assistance on how we can be careful with ourselves and our resources.
© Attila Albert / private

4. Do something alone

Even the loving relationship, the best family was burdened by the constant being together. It is therefore completely normal if you long for a little time just for yourself or with new people. Albert: "Agreed to always do something separately. Sometimes strolling alone, jogging in the morning or having a coffee with friends."

5. Gather strength for the future

It can be an advantage if this vacation turns out to be quieter than usual because, for example, you stay in the country, have an apartment instead of a large hotel. At the same time, this also eliminates a lot of leisure stress. Albert: "This unplanned change can help you regain your strength. Sleep long, have a leisurely breakfast, stay relaxed – that recovers."

6. Be grateful for this lesson

Nobody wanted this crisis. At the same time, you can see it as an unexpected but valuable lesson: It has shown you what powers you have, but also where your limits and needs lie. Albert: "You may not be the same again as before, but that is not necessarily a disadvantage. You have grown, developed."

You can be sure that your fellow human beings are very similar to you. You do not need to have a guilty conscience if you are longing for calm, nice stimulation and understanding. Attila Albert: "This unusual year was and is a heavy burden for everyone. Everyone yearns for quieter times, wants more laughter and joy again. These summer holidays can be a time of personal and common new beginnings, for which future challenges strengthen."