Corona crisis: Madonna sends bizarre video message from the bathtub

The world is going crazy because of the corona virus – Madonna (61, "Like a Virgin") also seems to be crazy. The singer sent a bizarre message from her bathtub. In an Instagram video, the Queen of Pop ponders the effects of the corona crisis and seems to be able to gain something positive from the whole: "The wonderful thing is that it all made us the same."

Obscurity between rose petals and piano music

In the video, Madonna is huddled in a milk bath full of rose petals and philosophizing about the virus – along with melodramatic piano music. "The thing with Corona is: It doesn't matter how rich you are, how famous you are, how funny or clever you are. Where you live, how old you are, what great stories you can tell," says Pop Singer firmly and further explains that the virus makes us "in many ways" equal. "It's the great leveler. And what's so terrible about it is so great about it." Finally, Madonna found apocalyptic words: "When the ship goes down, we all go down together."

Madonna gets the next shit storm

If the musician wanted to bring her own fans against her with her chosen show position, she obviously succeeded. Many reacted angrily to the statements of the 61-year-old. "Have you always been strange or did you just go mad after a few days of quarantine? I'm so glad you could waste milk on a bath while I had to wait in line for an hour just to get milk for my toddler to get. So no, this pandemic did not equate us "- just one of many biting comments.