Corona current: 5 saving tips against exploding additional costs

We are at home. A lot and often at home. The corona crisis is not only noticeable in terms of health, but also financially. And an underestimated side effect can be felt at the latest with the next rental bill: home office, series marathon and cooking evenings can affect the additional costs

If you work from home, you not only use more coffee, but also significantly more electricity. And to make you feel stupid, the heating is turned on again immediately, a full bath is let in and the fairy lights are hung up again. Yes, we should be doing everything we can to feel comfortable at home. We have a few saving tips for you so that you don't get a fright when you next pay for operating costs.

5 saving tips for the Corona quarantine

Put the socket to sleep

After a long day, we are tired – and so is our socket, which is already being fully used anyway. Get a power strip with a toggle switch. And when you go to bed in the evening, you switch off all the sockets. This means that they also come to rest at night and devices do not draw power unnecessarily in standby mode.

Don't forget to ventilate

We need air! But even if you long for the outside world at home, you shouldn't have the window tilted all the time. Better: ventilate properly three times a day. So all the exhaled air is replaced by fresh, we are awake again – and your heating thanks you too …

Keep heating costs constant

… In the home office we want it to be cozy, of course. But if we keep turning on the heater because we're cold, and turning it down when we get hot flashes, it does a double job. It is better to keep the heating on a constant level, even if it is permanently on.

Bake first, then cook

A good pastime: Finally bake again. But timing is important. Try to adjust your baking time to your cooking plan. If you cook something immediately after baking, whether on the Herplatte above or in the oven itself, you can use the residual heat. That saves energy!

Drink tea and save electricity

Drinking a lot is important and healthy, especially during corona times, as a doctor explained to us. So make yourself a whole pot of tea in the morning and keep it warm in a thermos. This saves you more energy than if you expose tea water every time and use the kettle.

What type of home office are you? You can find out from us – and also how our colleagues experience the home office with children.