Corona current: dead after the corona outbreak in the school bus

Corona current
184 infected and 3 dead after the corona outbreak in the school bus

© Adelia Kamaleeva / Shutterstock

Corona news: In Hesse alone, hundreds of corona infections have been reported in one district – which are said to be due to an outbreak in regional school buses.

Germany is in the next corona wave. Despite progress in vaccination, it is so far the strongest increase in infections since the beginning of the pandemic. Accordingly, reports of corona outbreaks are increasing nationwide.

A massive outbreak of infection has now occurred in the state of Hesse. In Schlüchtern in the Main-Kinzig district, according to information from the “Fuldaer Zeitung”, 184 corona cases are said to be due to an outbreak on the school bus.

115 infected children on the school bus after the corona outbreak

The original Corona outbreak in school bus traffic in the region was some time ago, but its extent is only now becoming clear. Among the 184 infected are said to be 124 children and 60 adults, the relatives of the children. Most of them showed symptoms: 115 people fell ill, it is not known how many of them suffered a severe course. The district administration informed the “Fuldaer Zeitung” when asked that eight of the infected had been admitted to the hospital. Three deaths have now also been linked to the corona outbreak. It should have been about people of retirement age.

How exactly the infection came about is still unclear. The Robert Koch Institute is said to have sent employees into the district to investigate the infection process. Hygiene measures are said to have applied in the school buses, drivers: inside would be protected with Plexiglas, in the bus it is compulsory to wear a mask. The district committee announced that further buses should actually be used when the load is more than 80 percent. However, there would be a shortage of both staff and vehicles during rush hour. In addition, air filters have been ordered for the school buses – but so far only one has been installed due to delivery problems.

The outbreak shows how quickly the corona virus can currently spread again. The Robert Koch Institute reported an incidence of 201.1 this Monday.

Sources used: Fuldaer Zeitung, Der Spiegel, Robert Koch Institute


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